The Israeli peace deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is viewed as a very smart deal, with the latter acknowledging the reality and legitimacy of a Jewish state in the Middle East.
Direct Result of Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’
There are several things that make this peace treaty pivotal for the region. For one, it’s not a cross-border agreement. Unlike Egypt and Jordan, who have signed peace treaties after being defeated on the battlefield by the formidable Israeli Defense Force, the UAE is nowhere near Israel and faces no such threat from the Jewish state.As one of many Islamic states in the Gulf Region, the UAE doesn’t face the possibility of an Israeli military ground force sweeping over its territory in the event of a conflict. And, on the flip side, no Israeli military planner has ever worried about the armies from the UAE invading Israel in a surprise attack.
New Message to Islamic World
Why, then, did the UAE, a Muslim nation, make peace with Israel?Yet coincidently, those nations and entities that have waged war with Israel, from Egypt to Jordan to Syria and the Palestinians, have all languished in economic malaise for decades.
Clearly, the UAE views Israel in a more positive light. With Israel the dominant economic, military, and scientific power in the region, why wouldn’t they want to reap the economic and scientific benefits that peace would likely bring?
A Message to Palestinians, Too
The new peace agreement also is a clear message to the Palestinians. To put it bluntly, peace with Israel is no longer dependent on the Palestinian question. Over the past several decades, the Palestinian leadership has blown chance after chance for a two-state solution.Why should the entire region be held hostage to the corrupt buffoonery of the so-called Palestinian leaders?
That’s not just the viewpoint of the UAE, either. Saudi Arabian leaders are thinking the same thing. And Israel has no gripe with the Emirates or the Saudis. In fact, Israel has been working closely in a security context with several Gulf states.
The Camel’s Nose Under the ‘Peace With Israel’ Tent?
Interestingly, Saudi Arabia has yet to comment on the treaty. They haven’t approved of it yet, but they certainly haven’t condemned it. As noted above, they continue to work closely with Israel on security. They are also close to the UAE, and likely have given their tacit approval.A Diminished—and Desperate Iran
Unlike in the past, the common thread that runs through all discussions really isn’t the Palestinian cause, at least, not anymore. Now, it’s the widespread concern among the wealthy oil sheikdoms of Iranian aggression.Israel is more than happy to fulfill that role if it yields a peace dividend.
Mideast Is Polarizing
The downside of Muslim nations making overt peace with Israel is that they can no longer hide behind the ambiguity of anti-Israel rhetoric and pro-Israel cooperation on the sly. By signing peace treaties, they’re making a very public commitment.If more peace treaties are signed—and it’s an even bet that some will—pro-Israel and anti-Iran political alliances become clearer. It will surely enhance trade and cooperation among all signatories, but will also publicly polarize the region.
Forcing the Hand of Iran, Russia, and Turkey?
Does that mean that Iran will lean more heavily than before on its nefarious allies, Russia and Turkey?Or that Russian and Turkey will be able to get more leverage out of Iran?
Both are quite likely.
Still, even as it prepares for war in a region full of hostile enemies, a wise nation makes peace where it can, if the terms are right.
Israel must do no less.