After announcing a troop pullback in Syria, President Donald Trump on Oct. 7 warned that if Turkey does anything untoward, he will “totally destroy and obliterate the economy of Turkey.”
“As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!),” Trump wrote on Twitter.

Other opponents of the move said that the United States was abandoning its Kurdish allies, claiming that the ISIS terrorist group would return to the region. They have also claimed that it would effectively be a green light to allow Turkish forces to attack Kurds.
Trump has maintained that the Kurds “fought with us” but were paid large amounts of money and were provided equipment to do so, he wrote on Twitter.

The Pentagon later said the United States doesn’t endorse Turkey’s planned offensive in northern Syria, saying the U.S military won’t support it in any way.
And Kurdish forces said that it would fight back if Turkey launched an assault, raising the prospect of armed conflict in the area.
Abdulkarim Omar, a senior official in the Kurdish self-rule administration, told AP that he was expecting American forces to withdraw and have made preparations for it. He didn’t elaborate.
“We have been flexible even in dealing with Russia, which may play a role in the political resolution. We were flexible even in regards to Damascus,” he said, describing that the move to withdraw as “illogical.”