This is the second in a three part series exploring issues raised by former President Donald Trump’s lawsuit against Twitter.
This installment focuses on Trump’s claims that Twitter’s censorship, and Section 230, violate the First Amendment and are therefore unconstitutional.
The Constitution grants Congress power to “regulate Commerce ... among the several States.” The Constitution’s framers wrote for the ages and they knew about technological change. By selecting the word “Commerce” (rather than, say, “trade by barge or wagon”), they covered commercial activity not yet invented. Congress exercised its authority over interstate commerce when it adopted the Communications Decency Act.
However, Congress’s authority over interstate commerce—like its other powers—is limited by the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment states in part, “Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ....” When the Constitution was adopted, “the freedom of speech” meant direct interpersonal communication. A person declaiming on a soapbox was engaged in freedom of speech. Anonymity was impossible.
On the other hand, “the freedom of the press” meant speaking through a medium, often under protection of anonymity. During the founding era, freedom of the press included more than writing in the newspapers. It included many other media as well, including pamphlets, placards, letters, and large sheets called “broadsides.”
The text of the First Amendment, unlike most of the Bill of Rights, explicitly binds only “Congress.” However, during the 20th century, activist Supreme Court justices applied the First Amendment to all parts of the federal government and to state and local governments as well. The current bench has refused to revisit those precedents, so we must consider them binding for purposes of the Trump lawsuit.
But there are instances in which a private company could be subject to the First Amendment, and the Trump lawsuit relies on those exceptions.
Another scenario in which Twitter’s censorship may be subject to the First Amendment is if government officials are coercing Twitter. The Trump lawsuit recites a long list of Democratic Party officeholders who have asserted that social media should censor Trump, and some of these officeholders threatened legal sanctions if social media didn’t comply.
One weakness in this contention is that Trump is suing neither those officeholders nor the federal government. (They are probably immune from suit anyway). Moreover, if Twitter banned Trump because Twitter was coerced, then the ban was not Twitter’s fault: “The government made us do it!” Twitter may respond. The “coercion” theory might give back Trump his Twitter account, but is unlikely to yield financial compensation.
Still another theory behind the lawsuit is that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is a government invitation to censorship. The general idea is that the government violates a constitutional right when it invites private entities to violate that right.
But this theory also has weaknesses, and those weaknesses are crippling. First, Trump is suing Twitter, not Congress. Second, as I explained in the first installment, Congress created Twitter’s Section 230 immunity so Twitter could empower parents to protect children, and that’s perfectly constitutional. Third, the Supreme Court’s “government invitation” precedents are controversial and based on weak reasoning by liberal-activist justices. The present Supreme Court is unlikely to extend them.
Where does that leave Trump’s claim that Twitter’s censorship violated the First Amendment? Still quite viable—because there’s another ground for this claim, and it’s a very good one. It rests, ironically enough, on a case arising out of racist misconduct by Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware.
More on that in the next installment.