Trump Meets With Latino Supporters at Florida Roundtable

President Trump attended a “Latinos for trump roundtable” on his campaign trail leading up to the November election. He gave his remarks and listened to stories from Hispanic-Americans about how they benefited from his policies. President Trump was met with a warm welcome from Latino-American supporters during his visit to Doral Florida. Sitting at the roundtable, he described Latinos for Trump as patriotic Americans who are part of an extraordinary national movement.
NTD Television

President Donald Trump attended a “Latinos for Trump” roundtable on his campaign trail leading up to the November election. He gave his remarks and listened to stories from Hispanic-Americans about how they have personally benefited from his administration’s policies.

Trump was met with a warm welcome from Latino-American supporters during his visit to Doral, Florida.

Sitting at the roundtable, he described “Latinos for Trump” as a group of patriotic Americans who are part of an extraordinary national movement.