Trudeau and Smith Agree to Working Group on Energy Issues

Trudeau and Smith Agree to Working Group on Energy Issues
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with Alberta Premier Danielle Smith in Calgary, Alta., on July 7, 2023. Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press
Doug Lett

The prime minister and the premier of Alberta have agreed to form a working group to tackle energy issues.

The development was in a statement released by the Alberta government, just a few hours after the two leaders sat down for a short meeting in Calgary on July 7.

“The positive news is the federal government has agreed to immediately form a bilateral working group with the Alberta government to work on an aligned framework,” it said, adding part of that will be ways to promote emissions-reducing technology like carbon capture.

It added the group will also work to develop a regulatory framework for the construction and use of small modular nuclear reactors. And it will work on getting Alberta credit for exporting low-polluting liquefied natural gas.

“Article 6 in the Paris Accord allows for jurisdictions to receive credit for reducing emissions in other countries,” said the statement.

However, the statement said significant disagreements remain, including allowing Alberta to set its own emissions reduction targets on the path to a carbon-neutral energy sector by 2050.

“They continue to set targets for a 42 per cent reduction in energy sector emissions by 2030, and a net-zero electricity grid by 2035,” said the statement. “Both of these targets are unachievable, will drive billions of investment out of Alberta, massively increase electricity costs and result in the loss of tens of thousands of Alberta jobs.”

The statement also hints the province may use the Alberta Sovereignty Act if agreement cannot be reached.

“Alberta has sovereign and exclusive constitutional jurisdiction to regulate our energy and electricity industries. This is non-negotiable,” it said. “If Ottawa does not recognize and support Alberta’s exclusive right to regulate these sectors of our economy, our province will have no choice but to use alternative policy options to protect our rights independent of federal interference.”

The statement adds, “Our sincere hope is that the newly formed federal and provincial working group will be able to facilitate an agreement that will align Ottawa’s efforts with the Alberta government’s ‘Emissions Reduction and Energy Development Plan.’”

It was a strongly worded statement, out of a meeting that did not start off seeming confrontational.

While their remarks in front of the media were less than five minutes, both leaders seemed keen on the idea of a working group.

“We would like to establish a working group so that we can talk about how we might be able to achieve a net-zero power grid,” said Alberta Premier Danielle Smith. “But I’ve indicated to the prime minister that that is not possible by 2035, which is the federal target. We’ve been told that by our experts here,” she added.

In April, Alberta released a plan called “Emissions Reduction and Energy Development,” which sets out the goal of achieving net zero by 2050 through a variety of measures.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he liked the idea of a working group.

“You’ve highlighted one of the great achievements that we’re looking towards, which is this working group,” said the prime minister, “where we will be able to sit down and really look at what our experts are saying, what your experts here are saying, figure out the common ground, and figure out the path forward.”

However, the prime minister referred to mostly renewable energy sources when he talked about Alberta’s contributions to the national economy.

“Alberta has long been an extraordinarily innovative leader in providing energy to the continent and indeed the world, and the kinds of innovations, whether it’s around hydrogen, whether it’s around chemicals, whether it’s around a range of things, solar, renewables, all sorts of really, really exciting things going on here in Alberta that we’re extremely supportive of and looking forward to working together,” said Mr. Trudeau.

Both Alberta and the federal government have a target of being net-zero by 2050—the difference is that the federal plan includes multiple earlier targets along the way.

The prime minister said he hopes the province and the federal government can find common ground.

“There’s lots of things to work through,” said Mr. Trudeau. “But I can say there’s been a really positive and constructive working relationship between our ministers and our folks from the very beginning.”

The other topic the two leaders touched on was the strike by 7,400 port workers in B.C., affecting major ports like Vancouver and Prince Rupert. The strike means shipments of countless goods are being held up, affecting many businesses across the country.

Ms. Smith said they want Parliament recalled to deal with the strike.

“That Parliament be recalled so that we can put an end to the port strike in B.C., which is causing extreme hardship to our producers and our exporters here,” she said.

The prime minister said the federal government is keeping a close eye on it, but did not commit to recalling Parliament.

“I know how impactful it is on producers across the prairies, including here in Alberta,” said Mr. Trudeau.

“We believe fundamentally that the best deals are always found at the bargaining table, and we will keep putting a lot of pressure on all parties to find that solution,” he said. “But I also know the pressure is mounting day by day and people are really, really worried what things could look like next week and we are as well.”

Doug Lett
Doug Lett
Doug Lett is a former news manager with both Global News and CTV, and has held a variety of other positions in the news industry.
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