Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin This Summer

Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin This Summer
Keeping hydrated is the key to maintaining healthy skin during the summer. (Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock)

Summers can have a downside for our skin. The hot and humid weather and the sun’s harsh rays can wreak havoc on your skin and increase the chances of you developing a plethora of problems. But the good news is that you can keep these problems at bay by switching up your skin care routine.

For instance, you can use a water-based moisturizer, opt for a broad-spectrum natural sunscreen, follow a proper CTM (cleansing, moisturizing, and toning) routine, wear less makeup, and cleanse your feet to look fresh and glowing even in the summer heat.

Skin Care Tips to Beat Summer’s Heat

1. Follow a CTM Routine

A basic CTM routine is beneficial year-round for your skin. Here’s what it entails:
Cleansing: Cleansing is the first step of any skin care regimen. It eliminates the dead skin, excess oil, dirt, grime, and pollutants to leave you with fresh and clean skin. You can use mattifying or clay-based cleansers that will absorb all the dirt on your skin and leave you feeling clean and refreshed.
Toning: Toning helps cleanse any residue, shrinks the pores, and prevents clogging. It balances the skin and prepares it for better absorption of moisturizers and creams. Go for alcohol-free toners that don’t dry skin out.
Moisturizing: Moisturizing helps hydrate the skin and strengthen its natural barrier. Optimum moisture levels help in skin renewal by activating collagen production. Moisturizing also improves the skin’s elasticity to make it firm and young. For summers, water-based moisturizers are the best choice due to their non-greasy and lightweight formulas that feel comfortable throughout the day.

2. Don’t Skip Sun Protection

Summer is when you need to step up your sun protection game. A good natural broad-spectrum sunscreen helps prevent sunburns, pigmentation, and oxidative damage caused by harmful UVA and UVB rays. But applying a thick, cream-based sunscreen in the summer to protect your skin from the UV rays isn’t feasible. Instead, go for a non-greasy, water-based, and lightweight sunscreen that lets your skin breathe without looking shiny. Ensure it has SPF 30 or higher and reapply every couple of hours to keep your skin protected.
That said, make sure you get some sun as well, since this is the primary way you get vitamin D, critical to several aspects of your health. For pale skin, 15 minutes of daily sun exposure often is adequate. For people with darker skin, that length of time can be extended to 45 minutes or longer.

3. Indulge in Face Masks, Face Packs

Your skin can easily get stressed and look dull in the scorching summer heat. Thus, it’s vital to keep it nourished and protected. Use a cooling and rejuvenating face mask to beat the heat and protect your skin from tanning and burning. Look for ingredients such as oatmeal, aloe vera, clay, cucumber, green tea, licorice, and chamomile.
Face masks help in exfoliating, hydrating, and moisturizing the skin, based on the ingredients in them. They form a layer over the skin and nourish it from within.

4. Go Light With Makeup

Wearing heavy makeup during the summer can make your skin feel heavy, shiny, and oily and requires multiple touch-ups. In addition, sweat and humidity can take a toll on your skin’s texture and cause breakouts. Hence, use light makeup just to give your skin a subtle tint of color. Water-based formulas work well in summers. Stay away from heavy and greasy products that don’t let your skin breathe.

5. Focus on Eye and Lip Care

Your eyes and lips are probably the most sensitive areas of the face and require intensive care. Protect your eyes from UV rays by wearing sunglasses whenever you step out. De-stress your eyes at night with night serum or cream to prevent puffiness, discoloration, and dark circles.
For lip protection, apply an SPF-based lip balm daily. Scrub away the dead skin and dullness two to three times a week using a mild lip scrub.

6. Get a Manicure and Pedicure

Body parts other than your face that are frequently exposed to the sun, such as your arms and feet, also need to be cared for.
Foot care is essential so that you can flaunt your tan-free and clean feet in sandals and flip-flops. Scrubbing your feet in the shower can be extremely helpful in preventing tan and dead skin. You can also opt for a full-fledged pedicure session every 15 days to ensure complete foot care.
You can’t prevent your arms and hands from getting tanned during the summer, especially if you are fond of wearing sleeveless clothes. Hence, daily care is essential. Exfoliating the dead skin from your arms once a week can help remove tan and leaves them smooth and clean.

7. Hydration

Keeping hydrated is the key to maintaining healthy skin during the summer. It quenches the skin’s thirst and prevents dullness. Therefore, always carry a water bottle whenever you step out. Fresh fruit juices, coconut water, or electrolyte powders are also great ways to keep your body functioning and your skin hydrated.

8. Invest in Anti-Aging Products

The sun’s harsh rays and free radicals can damage your skin and lead to signs of aging. Investing in good anti-aging products can help reverse this damage to a certain extent. As you age, your skin starts to lose collagen and develops fine lines and wrinkles. The best line of defense for mature skin is to use retinoid or similar products such as bakuchiol after consulting with a dermatologist. Try face oils and serums containing hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and vitamin C to keep your skin nourished and hydrated. Use intensively moisturizing night creams with anti-aging ingredients such as peptides, ceramides, coenzyme Q10, and AHAs (alpha-hydroxy acids).

Bottom Line

The summer sun can damage your skin and make it look dull and lifeless. Not anymore! Following the tips given above can help you flaunt hydrated, clear, and problem-free skin all through the season. Enjoy your days in the sun.
Nisha Baghadia is a health and wellness journalist who has written many articles on yoga, fitness, wellness, remedies, and beauty. She is a regular contributor to and a few other websites. This article was originally published on
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