This Young Girl With ‘Uncombable Hair Syndrome’ Has Hair Like EINSTEIN, and She’s Loving It!

This Young Girl With ‘Uncombable Hair Syndrome’ Has Hair Like EINSTEIN, and She’s Loving It!
(Getty Images | AFP)

We all know the wild and crazy hair of that famous scientist (who had no time for combing), Albert Einstein. It turns out there is a young girl in Australia with hair just as wild as Einstein’s, but for a very different reason, and her hair made headlines when photos were posted on Instagram in 2017.

Shilah Calvert-Yin, 8, from Melbourne, has an extremely rare condition that affects only about 100 people in the world. The condition is known as “uncombable hair syndrome,” which in essence makes her hair look just like Einstein’s.

The syndrome is due to a mutation of one of the three genes: PADI3, TGM3, and TCHH. There is no cure for it, though it is believed that the hair will become more manageable with age.

People compared her to Doc Brown from “Back to the Future,” but she doesn’t mind that, as it is one of her family’s favorite movies. According to the Mirror, she said, “It’s not ordinary and it’s not boring like everyone else’s. Everyone knows me and remembers me—especially at school.”

“All the grade levels know who I am. I think my friends wish they had hair like mine,” she added.

Her family did not know she suffered from the syndrome until late in 2016 when a doctor told them.

Her mother, Celeste, said that when she tells people about the condition, they think it’s a joke or are completely intrigued by it and search for more information on the internet.

Speaking of how people reacted to her child, Celeste said, “Shilah draws attention everywhere she goes and always has since her hair grew through at about three months old.

“Her older brother, Taelan, has been a fantastic support when other children make comments towards her or even touch her.”

“Having said that, adults can be just as juvenile and say some of the most random things or take photos of her and even touch her hair. Shilah is used to all the attention and has begun to manipulate and work situations in her favor,” the mother added.

The family created an Instagram account for others to learn about the condition and also to let the young girl try her hand at modeling.

As for the purpose of her daughter’s modeling, Celeste said, “We decided that modeling will embrace her unique look and she has the personality and attitude to pull it off.”