‘The World Needs More of Shen Yun,’ Says Choreographer

‘The World Needs More of Shen Yun,’ Says Choreographer
Cynthia Paniagua enjoyed a performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts at the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center, New York, on Jan. 12, 2018. NTD Television
Epoch Times Staff

“I absolutely loved it. I was mesmerized. As a dancer and choreographer, I was just taken away by the grace, the beauty, the culture and also the technique was just flawless. It was amazing and I love folklore and it was a beautiful blend of culture ... history, spirituality, it’s all there. I really don’t see what’s missing here. I love it.”

“[The choreography] was so unpredictable. I mean that the shapes and the precision and the flawlessness, the spatial awareness, it was just amazing. I was like, I want to do this.”

“I would, that’s something to look up to [Shen Yun dancers], that’s like, I can’t even, I don’t know how the principal dancer, her leg just goes right behind her head and she just looks like it’s OK. Like that’s not a thing, and it’s so graceful and beautiful, and at the same time, she’s telling a story. They are all telling a story and the musicians, the singer. I mean it’s all there, I really really loved it.”

“Powerful, she’s powerful [soprano], and I was reading the [lyrics], it was translated so like, I felt what she was saying. So the translation really read well with how powerful she was ... She was amazing.”

“I really related to it about how right now we are in a chaotic world and she [soprano] was talking about peace, peace and bringing our morals back to tolerance and acceptance. And I think that this cultural exchange is just what we need.”

“The takeaways besides, as a dancer I can’t help, but the artistry, the amount of artistry is, I would come back again and again. I don’t think you can take it all in one time, right? I’m very impressed.”

“It shows how much beauty matters, and grace and love. I felt all of that.”

“The world needs more of Shen Yun, really. It needs more of that feeling of that experience because I felt it. Every single piece I felt something. It was great.”


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