Data show a remarkable correlation between the COVID-19 shot rollout and sharply increasing rates of disability among Americans. Are the shots causing previously healthy adults to become permanently disabled?
- The U.S. population, aged 16 years and over, with a disability remained stable from 2016 to 2020, but jumped sharply in early 2021, coinciding with the rollout of COVID-19 injections
- In early 2021, a Twitter user named Ben, who runs a U.S. all-cause mortality site, posted a graph showing the eerily similar rise in disability and cumulative COVID-19 shots, with the number of disabled Americans rising from 30 million to 32.7 million
- Within about an hour of posting, the tweet was flagged as “disinformation,” Ben was locked out of his account and comments and sharing of the post were disabled
- As of May 27, 2022, 14,181 people reported being permanently disabled after receiving COVID-19 shots
- In April 2021, U.S. Army lieutenant colonel Harry Chang predicted that U.S. officials were likely to pause the COVID-19 mRNA injection campaign in light of increasing cases of myocarditis following the shots
- No pause for mRNA COVID-19 shots occurred, but as of June 8, 2022, more than 5,000 cases of myocarditis following the injections have been reported
“Is this proof, that the COVID-19 vaccines might have caused 2.9M additional disabilities in the US?” he wrote. “Sharp increase from trend occurs early 2021, when vaccinations started.”Within about an hour of posting, the tweet was flagged as “disinformation,” Ben was locked out of his account and comments and sharing of the post were disabled. “Hard to see the problem with the data,” wrote Substack user el gato malo. “Clearly, their issue is with the conclusion.”4
14,181 Permanently Disabled After COVID Shots
The Substack article highlights two points on the disability population graph — when 1% of the population had received COVID-19 shots and when 1% had received boosters. “I chose this convention,” the writer said, “because each has a sort of long tail at a very low level leading in but rose rapidly after reaching 1% so it seemed like the best inflection point for maximum relevance. As can be seen, the timing is highly suggestive.”5“Seeing this ... without a rise in disability reports would be surprising. we see 14k permanently disabled in VAERS. and we see a rise in the disabled rolls of 1.8 million.
that’s pretty close to the 1-2% capture rate (more like 1%, but also likely capturing other categories as well, so hard to be precise) for reporting we’ve seen around other VAERS issues (besides death which seems to get better counted) so it feels like we’re in a ballpark here.”Past investigations have shown only between 1%7 and 10%8 of adverse reactions are ever reported to VAERS, which is a passive, voluntary reporting system, so the actual number of resulting disabilities could be much higher than what’s reflected.
Remarkable Correlation Between COVID-19 Shots and Disability
Using data from FRED and Our World in Data (OWID), el gato malo took it a step further, charting the percentage of population that received a COVID-19 shot in a month, to get an idea of the number of people at risk of vaccine adverse events at any given time. El gato malo did the same for boosters, then plotted it against disability. The resulting graph is below:9
- The vaccination series started to get steep in Feb. 21. disability got steep in April 21.
- Vaccination peaked in May. Disability peaked in June.
- Vaccination started to rise again after August.
- Disability began to rise again after October.
- Then vaxx dropped off after Jan. 2022 and disability flattened out in March 2022.
2 month lag, 1 month lag, 2 month lag, 2 month lag. 4 separate inflections all tracked in near identical and highly plausible timeframes for vaccine injury. we’re starting to get past “suggestive” here. this zigs, zags, then zigs again, then zags again all as predicted if it were causal and all with the sort of lag you’d associate with reporting, 1-2 months. (all 2 mo save may-jun 21).
The disability series can be a little noisy month to month, but the big trends are all there. based on what we know about side effects this looks to be an odds on hypothesis at this point. i can see no better fit to the data.”
Military Official Predicted Pause in mRNA COVID Shots
The Epoch Times received 19 pages of email messages via a Freedom of Information Act request.11 Among them was an April 27, 2021, email from U.S. Army Lt. Col. Harry Chang to Tricia Blocher with the California Department of Public Health and other officials from California and the military.“A pause of the Pfizer/Moderna administration (much like the J&J blood clot pause) will have an adverse impact on US/CA vaccination rates; assessed as unlikely due to causes of myocarditis can come from multiple sources (eg. COVID, other conditions, other vaccines/prescriptions, etc) … However, increased reported #s & media attention is likely to trigger a safety review pause by ACIP/FDA.”Increased cases of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis began to be reported in April 2021 after Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 shots.13 “These rare cases of myocarditis or pericarditis have occurred most frequently in adolescent and young adult males, ages 16 years and older, within seven days after receiving the second dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine,” according to the CDC.14
Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, part of the CDC’s COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force, was among those who received Chang’s warning, and he responded by asking colleagues for more data from Vaccine Safety Datalink, a CDC system that tracks vaccine safety.
An Early Red Flag Ignored
The same day that Chang sent the email suggesting that a safety review pause of mRNA COVID-19 shots was likely, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told the media that the agency had reviewed data but did not believe myocarditis was occurring at an elevated rate: “We have not seen a signal, and we’ve actually looked intentionally for the signal in the over 200 million doses we’ve given,” she said.17Weeks went by before the public was alerted to the higher-than-expected rates of myocarditis following mRNA COVID-19 shots, even though hundreds of cases had been reported to VAERS by the end of April 2021. As of June 8, 2022, more than 5,000 cases have been reported.
“The emails ‘reveal there was an early red flag with post-mRNA COVID vaccine-related myocarditis reports in the U.S. and Israel’ but that officials were concerned that acknowledging the risk ‘would have a negative effect on public perception of COVID vaccine safety and uptake.’”
Healthy Young People Dying After COVID Shots
The CDC has downplayed the seriousness of myocarditis following the shots, stating that preliminary data from surveys conducted at least 90 days after myocarditis diagnosis suggest “most patients were fully recovered from their myocarditis.”20Yet, it’s unlikely that you’ve heard about these additional red flags in the major media. Just as occurred on Twitter when someone tried to bring attention to a correlation between COVID-19 shots and disability, unfavorable statistics about these shots are quickly silenced and discredited. What we need now more than anything isn’t more censorship — it’s active investigation and research to uncover the truth, before more harm is done, that is desperately needed.
“i want to stress, this is still a hypothesis and this is my first run through with this data so i want to let people chew on it and see what else emerges before making claims that are too strong. but this is also REALLY provocative and unless i have really missed something, warrants research and explication, not censorship.”Originally published June 28, 2022 on
Sources and References
- 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, FRED
- 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, FRED, Population With a Disability, 16 Years and over
- 3 Twitter, Ben, @US Mortality
- 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 27 Substack, Bad Cattitude June 9, 2021
- 7 The Vaccine Reaction January 9, 2020
- 8 BMJ 2005;330:433
- 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19 The Epoch Times June 10, 2022
- 13, 14, 20 U.S. CDC, Clinical Considerations, Myocarditis
- 15 Archive Today, April 26, 2021
- 21 Independent May 6, 2022
- 22 BitChute December 28, 2021
- 23 Odysee February 17, 2022
- 24 Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine February 2022
- 25, 26 Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 6978 (2022)