A Shift in US Priorities
To put it bluntly, President Joe Biden’s presidential memorandum on “Advancing the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI+) Persons Around the World” signals a new shift in America’s priorities.A bit of perspective is in order.
Soft Power Abuse
American “soft power” has been a huge factor in convincing many nations that the liberal world order of more or less free trade, representative government, and human rights is a better template than the authoritarian models of adversaries such as China, Russia, and Iran.Over the decades, through both hot and cold wars, U.S. soft power has been applied with foreign aid, crisis relief, peace negotiations, and U.S. citizen participation in nongovernmental organizations such as the Peace Corps. Vast numbers of Christian missionaries sent worldwide have also played a role.
Of course, the United States hasn’t always behaved in such a manner. At times, the United States has exercised its vast diplomatic, cultural, economic, and military prowess to impose its policies upon less powerful and often culturally different nations against the will of those nations’ leaders and cultural norms.

The Ugly American, Yesterday and Today
Such behavior spawned the term “the ugly American,” which is defined as “an American in a foreign country whose behavior is offensive to the people of that country.”“The U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons is an active member in the Department of State’s Equity Council. Convened by the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Office, the Equity Council provides a platform for equity leads to share information, discuss challenges, and reinforce intersections between the various efforts aimed at embedding racial equity and support for underserved communities in U.S. foreign policy development and implementation.”
In short, LGBT issues are now to be treated as racial equity issues in our foreign relations with other nations. Furthermore, U.S. government human rights reports are to “more thoroughly address the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons; and acknowledgment of violence against LGBTQI+ persons within the drafting of the new U.S. Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence Globally and the first U.S. National Action Plan to End GBV.”
US a Pawn of WEF?
One reason might be because the Biden administration fully supports the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) plans for the Great Reset, which covers the entire spectrum of transformative changes, from vaccinations, digital currency, and green technologies to massive cultural changes.Abolishing Traditional Values Is the Goal
Like it or not, Western civilization, particularly the United States, was founded on Judeo-Christian values. These foundational values have driven the development of the West for the past 2,000 years, playing a critical role in science, culture, and the development of representative government.That said, why is the Biden administration trying to shove the ungodly, anti-Christian, anti-traditional values down the throats of nations around the world?
Indonesia Says ‘No’
Today, a new ugly American is at work. The presidential memorandum and its supporting policies to enforce acceptance of LGBT policies is causing other nations, regardless of their cultural antipathy to such an attack, to turn against such cultural bullying and political debauchery.Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, is correct in its assessment of the U.S. LGBT policy.
Ugly American, indeed.