The FedNow Endgame: Total Control via Digital Dollar and ESG?

The FedNow Endgame: Total Control via Digital Dollar and ESG?
Deemerwha studio/Shutterstock
James Gorrie

Control over money is likely to be the next level of tyrannical power to come from the left, the Biden administration, and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

We’re about to enter a new era in banking, business, and personal privacy.

Actually, the opposite is true. We’re about to enter a new era where there’s no banking, business, or personal privacy. That era is already upon us; most of us just don’t realize it yet.

That’s a very temporary situation at best.

The new era will become much more apparent with the debut of FedNow.

Why Now, FedNow?

What’s “FedNow,” you ask?
According to the FedNow website, “Participating ... businesses and individuals can send and receive instant payments in real time, around the clock, every day of the year. Financial institutions and their service providers can use the service to provide innovative instant payment services to customers, and recipients will have full access to funds immediately, allowing for greater financial flexibility when making time-sensitive payments.”

Sounds harmless enough and even helpful, but let’s break it down to see what it might really be about.

First, FedNow describes itself as a payments service. Authorities deny that it involves any Central Bank Digital Currency program, or the blockchain-based currency that’s been talked about over the past year or so, also known as the “digital dollar.”

But is that true?

It’s certainly not what economist Pippa Malmgren said last year at the World Government Summit. According to Malmgren, we—the United States—are moving to a blockchain-based currency, i.e., a digital dollar, very soon.

Second, the FedNow program centralizes government control over instant payments. That’s giving the federal government new and vast powers that aren’t even necessary.

Why do we need FedNow when we have plenty of private options such as PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, and other instant payment apps?

That’s a question with only one obvious answer.

FedNow seems to be designed to capture that power and eliminate privacy. FedNow authorities claim that they’re not out to replace those payment systems, but who really believes that?
Those options are competition to FedNow, so one way or another, they will go away or be co-opted into the system.

Is FedNow a Service or a New Level of Power?

The notion or assertion that FedNow is “a service that will enable individuals and businesses to send and receive instant payments” is disingenuous at best. At worst, it’s a lie.

Built into that quasi-neutral definition is the fact that FedNow signals the elimination of people’s independence and the businesses they own, as well as the independence of banks and financial institutions.

To see why this is the case, simply replace the phrase in the FedNow definition, “will enable individuals and businesses to send and receive instant payments” with, “banks, businesses, and individuals in good (social, i.e., Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)) standing will be allowed to engage in transactions that are specifically allowed and approved by the Federal Reserve rules and regulations.”

In short, if the FedNow program has the power to “enable individuals and businesses to send and receive payments,” it will have the power to prevent them from doing so as well.

To think otherwise is just naive.

Legal Control and Total Visibility into Your Life

That’s where blockchain digital currency comes in. Digital currency is programmable, meaning that it can be structured to be valid for specific types of purchases and not for others, or even none at all.
That’s a new and frightening level of power that the Federal Reserve will have over Americans. Furthermore, the digital dollar will make all transactions entirely transparent.

Once the digital dollar is added to FedNow, the Federal Reserve will have total visibility into what you buy, where, for how much, and how often. It will also know and have access to your savings and business accounts, as well as investment and retirement accounts.

In short, all your privacy and personal autonomy will be gone once the transition to FedNow and the digital dollar is complete.

A New Power to Enforce ESG Compliance

I believe the ultimate objectives of FedNow and the digital dollar are, or soon enough will be, to not only gain control over your money, your business, and your life, but in doing so, ensure that you and your business toe the ESG line.

In other words, FedNow isn’t “a service” at all. It’s a power structure being put in place to give the Federal Reserve total control over our lives, with the power to punish us by not approving or restricting transactions and even withholding our “own” money from us, if we have the wrong opinion or otherwise violate their terms of “service.”

If this sounds like China’s social credit system to you, you’re not wrong.
Recall that an ESG-adhering or “woke capitalism” business’s responsibilities are no longer to the owners and shareholders, but, rather, to “stakeholders” in the society, whose interests are represented by the government. The purpose of ESG and stakeholder capitalism is to reshape cultures and make people compliant.
The goal seems to be the transformation of the United States from a nation with freedom of speech, privacy, and the right to run our businesses and our lives as we see fit, into a woke, compliant, and effectively de-nationalized entity that’s in lock step with the diktats of the WEF, via stakeholder capitalism.

Federal Enforcement of the Woke Agenda

The ESG designation appears to be a litmus test that, increasingly, corporations and businesses seem to be mandated to pass.

The soon-to-be-launched FedNow program could enable the federal government to dictate adherence to, and punish violators of, ESG mandates—and any other federal mandates that may come down the pike–such as mandated vaccination for the next pandemic that hits.

The truth is that “stakeholder capitalism,” as the WEF refers to it, isn’t really capitalism at all. It’s warmed-over fascism. The terms are a bit different, but the outcome—top-down control over business, banking, and individual lives—is the same.

Not coincidentally, stakeholder capitalism is a key factor in the WEF’s plan for “The Great Reset,” where LGBTQ+ values and equity are primary goals.

The question now is, just what can we do about it?

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
James Gorrie
James Gorrie
James R. Gorrie is the author of “The China Crisis” (Wiley, 2013) and writes on his blog, He is based in Southern California.
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