What’s the most powerful commodity in the world?
Gold? Tesla electric vehicle technology? Bitcoin? Oil?
Actually, it’s none of these things.
From a Digital World to a Data-Driven One
A brief look back provides some context for where—and why—the global economy is headed where it’s headed, and very, very soon.In the late 1990s, the emergence of the internet began the digital transformation of the analog economy. That transformation has been proceeding apace, including the debut of Facebook, Amazon, Google, Twitter, and all the rest.
Data Is the Key to the World
The deep and total manipulation of our data via artificial intelligence (AI) is the next step. (And by the way, it’s happening without our approval.) The incredible power of AI and predictive analytics are already being applied to so-called smart cities that are actually surveillance cities, on the order that China has made famous.Your Data Is Not Yours
What’s more, the big plans that the “Great Reset“ is so excited about can’t happen without having total access to all of your data and the right to use it in almost any way they wish.What? Do you think your data really belongs to you?
Think again.
A ‘Brotherhood of Man’—Or Not
But “data sharing” is what a digitally connected world is all about, isn’t it?Like John Lennon’s globalist hymn “Imagine,” we’re well on our way to “a brotherhood of Man,” right?
Or, as some might say, are we closer to completing a world based on the “servitude of Man?”
It looks that way.
Big Tech Hates You
Unfortunately, what the Big Tech oligarchs such as Facebook, Google, and the others know of millions of Americans, they don’t like—especially our tendency to value our right to free speech.“Freedom of expression,” an amorphous and politically neutered concept based in “European civility,” self-created identity, and obedience to authority is what they have in mind to replace the raucous, free-wheeling, politically activated free speech rights that we’ve enjoyed in America since the birth of the country.
“In fact, the freedom of speech in its original understanding can bring harm to the new notions of self-expression, as Google and Facebook make clear. The conflict between free speech and expression is being brought into the open by our tech giants, who seem to have both a moral and monetary interest in promoting only expression.”Thus, the path to wiping out free speech is paved with the “good intentions” of not hurting anyone’s feelings, particularly with regard to their chosen gender, while stripping all Americans of their rights. That’s the role of hate speech—to shame you into self-censorship until free speech becomes offensive and—ultimately—a criminal offense.
Now that the new regime has taken power with the coordinated and pervasive power of Big Tech behind it, the drive to muzzle us may well take on an extra urgency.
Still, undoubtedly, global peace and understanding are the inevitable outcome of our data-driven world and the suppression that accompanies it ...
What could go possibly wrong?