Outrageous theories abound surrounding the assault on Paul Pelosi.
But this article isn’t about deciding whether one of the various interpretations of the circumstances surrounding the event happens to be correct. There’s speculation regarding the circumstances of the underwear-wearing David DePape assaulting Pelosi. So far, many facts seem to be missing. It’s hard to know which stories are credible and which are exaggerated or presented with bias.
“You know, it’s reported that the same chant was used by this guy they have in custody that was used on Jan. 6 in the attacks on the U.S. Capitol,” Biden said at a fundraiser in Pennsylvania. “The chant was ‘Where’s Nancy? Where’s Nancy? Where’s Nancy?’ This is despicable.”
Despicable, Mr. President? How about you seizing on unsubstantiated information to try and tie an attack by a mentally deranged lunatic to your political opposition more broadly? Americans haven’t forgotten about your fist-wielding exhortation to destroy the MAGA wing of the Republican party (sorry, Mr. President, it seems that you’ve been fed some misinformation—the MAGA movement is the Republican party).
For the sake of argument, let’s concede all of the left’s presently unconfirmed accusations. OK, even if DePape were an actual Trump supporter who was looking to harm Nancy Pelosi—which, as of right now, is still an “if”—the notion that you can get from there to Jan. 6, 2021, as the inspiration for the attack, all tied up together in some larger conspiracy about how Trump supporters are a domestic terrorist threat to the country, is outright ridiculous.

Ridiculous, however, is the current platform of the Democratic Party, which has been taken over by left-wing ideologues. Jan. 6 is a central tenet of that platform. Yes, the brief riot at the Capitol is being used in an attempt to rally the Democratic base in preparation for the midterms; however, it’s about so much more than that. It’s the basis of their attack on Trump personally, currently ongoing through the Jan. 6 congressional committee, in hopes of an eventual indictment.
Make no mistake about it, they desperately want a conviction, with the end goal of Trump serving prison time. That wouldn’t just be a win for Democrat voters—leadership wants it as well, as Trump is and always has been viewed as an existential threat to their hold on power.
Yet, in many ways, Republicans continue to play along and grant the left the initiative in setting the tone of American politics. Republican politicians were quick to jump on the Pelosi case and condemn political violence wherever it occurs. Obviously, violence is never okay, but their canned responses demonstrate terrible political instincts.
This type of political acumen can’t be taught.
Whatever type of motivation was behind the attack, the Biden approach to tie it to some ethereal MAGA conspiracy is a political loser. The rise in crime in the United States and the destruction reaped by lax prosecutorial initiatives from left-wing district attorneys across the country is something that a majority of Americans are aware of. We see it in daily online videos, hear about it on the nightly news, and sometimes are even the victim of it in our own personal lives (especially if we happen to live in a major city).
“Look at what’s happened to San Francisco, generally, look at what is happening in Chicago. It was far worse than Afghanistan,” Trump said.
Most Americans don’t believe that the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach was a part of a vast right-wing conspiracy that was led personally by Trump. All Americans—if they’re being honest—know that they’re less afraid of “right-wing domestic terrorism” than they are to walk down the street in any U.S. metropolitan area after 10 p.m.
The attack on Paul Pelosi is unfortunate, regardless of the exact circumstances that brought it about. But the attempt to make it indicative of anyone who supports Trump, and, in essence, tying it to half of the country, is shameless.
Whether Nancy Pelosi, the career politician, has a problem with the attack on her husband being used for political gain is unknown. She, rather fortuitously, happened not to be home that night when a deranged man in his underwear happened to break into their home.
Fortuitous indeed. Hopefully, more reliable information regarding the circumstances surrounding the event will be released in the upcoming days.