Despite China’s ongoing propaganda campaign denying responsibility for the global CCP virus pandemic, there’s absolutely zero doubt about where the virus originated.
It came from China—from the city of Wuhan, to be precise.
If one didn’t know any better, one could conclude that the Chinese regime has declared war on the West, and particularly, on the United States. Consider, for the moment, that few other acts of war could inflict so much widespread and lasting damage than what the CCP virus has accomplished in just a few weeks.
Beijing’s Big Gamble to Weaponize the Virus
Where did the virus come from?Did it spring from Wuhan’s wet market?
But why would the Party leadership do such a thing?
What other explanation is there for the CCP allowing it to spread to the rest of the world? Didn’t they realize that by infecting the rest of the world, that it would crush their economy as well?
Of course they did.
And here we are.
Holding China Accountable
China is not just a “strategic competitor” or even an adversarial one. Harsh realities deserve to be expressed clearly. The CCP is a wicked, destructive and inhumane regime that poses a mortal threat to the civilized world.The civilized world, therefore, must hold the Chinese regime accountable for its actions.
Make China Pay in Every Way
Some, such as Rep. Jim Banks and Sen. Martha McSally, have suggested that Trump should force China to “forgive” the $1.1 trillion they hold in U.S. Treasury bills. That’s a good start. But the damage far exceeds that amount.An additional option would be to immediately seize China’s foreign assets. All of them. That means property and assets from Vancouver to Manhattan, from San Francisco to Boston, in London, Paris, Milan and Rome, and Tokyo, and everywhere else in the world that China felt so comfortable infecting with the virus.
Such an asset seizure would even—and especially—include the personal assets of the CCP. Every Party member should have all their off-shore bank and brokerage accounts frozen.
Furthermore, all access to capital markets should be denied. Foreign homes and investment properties could be seized, stock and bond holdings impounded, all other business interests and any all other forms of investments outside of China should be deemed illegal by the host-country and taken from them.
That would also include every technology agreement, every trade agreement, every shipment of food, of raw materials, of IP and whatever ever else is supporting the existence of the current murderous government in Beijing. We’re spending trillions to support our economies in the United States and Europe now, so what’s the difference?
Every source of value, income, leverage and political access must be stripped from the CCP. All academic appointments, scientific coordination, manufacturing and laboratories must be taken from those with ties to mainland China. When the CCP is out of power, then we discuss returning those assets.
Communist China has shown that it has no place among the family of nations. The thugs in Beijing think they can destroy the West by letting the virus spread. It’s time to deprive the CCP leadership of its financial resources and international income sources. Let them sell their slave labor products to Kazakhstan, Iran and Zanzibar, and see how well they do.
This should be done as soon as possible. Then let the CCP leadership face their people.