The (Block) Chaining of America

The (Block) Chaining of America
Abstract of central bank digital currency (CBDC). Comdas/Shutterstock
James Gorrie

We live in the age of deception.

Calling something what it truly is is a rarity these days.

Big Lies, Bad Outcomes, and No Consequences

For example, the Biden administration’s “Inflation Reduction Act” actually raised prices on fuel and utilities, hurting middle-income Americans the worst. The law did exactly the opposite of what the administration and the media said it would. It’s a lie any way you look at it.
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In 2021, we were told that mRNA vaccines were safe, effective, and would stop the spread of COVID-19 and that masks were necessary. None of those claims were true. It was only after the fact that vaccine makers acknowledged the dangerous failures of their vaccines and that masks were ineffective in preventing its spread.
We now know that not only do they harm people, but they also injure and even kill them as well. And no one is paying the price. No fines, no trials, no one in jail. Zero consequences.

A Big New Plan for Your Money

Now, another quasi-government agency, the Federal Reserve, will soon be rolling out the “digital dollar.” But don’t let the name fool you. It’s nothing less than a virtual chain around our necks.

You’re going to love how it works. First, know that central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) aren’t a currency at all. Rather, CBDCs are a programmable permission slip.

In the case of the digital dollar, once it’s the currency of the realm, so to speak, the Federal Reserve will have the power to permit you to go shopping, buy gas, travel, have a business, or even just write articles online.

Or not.

If you say or even think the wrong thing, the wonderful humanitarians at the Fed and at the top levels of our government can decide not to permit you to buy groceries or simply decide which food you can buy and which you can’t.

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What’s more, it’s quite possible that you won’t travel if “they” don’t want you to. Your “money” will no longer be yours; it will belong to the central bank. The central bank will be able to dictate what you can and can’t do, and where you can go.

Digital Dollars Means Zero Freedom

For instance, your personal digital dollars may be programmed so that you can only use them in stores within, say, a five-mile radius of your home.

Your digital dollars may let you buy oat milk but not real milk, tofu but not eggs, crickets but not beef.

Does the digital dollar sound like “currency” to you?

Or does it sound awfully similar to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) social credit system?
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“But hold on a second,” you’re thinking, “who voted for this?” You didn’t.

Is the move toward a CBDC concerning because it replaces physical dollars with digital ones that could potentially increase the federal government’s control over individuals’ financial transactions?

I don’t recall that being on the ballot. And by the way, who or what gave the Fed the power to coin and mint money?

Certainly not the Constitution. Only Congress has that power. Age of deception, remember?

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But wait, there’s more.

Biometric IDs Are Here

JPMorgan has announced a pilot program introducing a new, cashless biometric digital payment method that scans your palm and your face. No doubt its sole purpose is to improve the user’s shopping experience and minimize payment processing.

It’s utterly frictionless. No cards to slide, insert, or tap, and certainly no cash to dig out of your wallet or purse.

What a coincidence.

The federal government announces the soon deployment of a digital dollar and then—Shazam!—a major bank rolls out a biometric digital scanning payment system to enhance your shopping experience.

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Care to wager how soon the rest of the banks in the country—if there are any left—will be adopting the JPMorgan payment system?

Best of all, there will be an artificial intelligence component driving the functioning of the system, so you can be sure to get the most personal of service and attention to your payment, banking, and financial needs.

You Won’t Own Your Money—or Anything Else?

But what happens to your money in the bank? Your savings and your retirement accounts?

Who knows?

What seems obvious is that no central bank goes to the trouble of creating a digital currency if, sooner or later, it wasn’t intended for widespread use and adoption. The absolute level of power and control is just too tempting to not do it.

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It may well result in wealth confiscation of one sort or another, especially given that equity is top of mind for far too many policymakers. Think how content everyone will be, knowing that the only rich people in society are those in power.

The chilling phrase from the World Economic Forum (WEF) comes to mind: “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.” So does WEF head honcho Klaus Schwab when he praised the CCP’s economic model. CBDCs are a big factor in the Chinese model of totalitarianism.
In fact, the imminent CBDC rollout looks absolutely dystopian. It smells like it, too, with an undeniable odor of the CCP.

CBDCs Will Be Global

Now imagine if all or even most or many of the world’s central banks issued CBDCs.
They are. As of February, there were more than 100 CBDCs in development, with two fully launched.
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When you start to put the pieces together, it looks like the freedoms we all claim as Americans soon won’t mean much.

But look on the bright side. At least there’s no plan to embed blockchain technology into our skin so that our body data activity is monitored 24/7/365 by some central bank overlord, and you’ll be paid only for what you do from monitored physical or mental exertion.

Oh, wait.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
James Gorrie
James Gorrie
James R. Gorrie is the author of “The China Crisis” (Wiley, 2013) and writes on his blog, He is based in Southern California.
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