Australians will no longer need to carry around coins to use a public payphone after Telstra announced that they will now be available to use free-of-charge on Tuesday.
People can now make standard national calls and SMS from Telstra’s 15,000 public payphones for free, but users will still be required to pay for international calls.
Telstra CEO Andrew Penn said payphones were an iconic part of Australian history and have played a vital role in the last 18 months during emergency situations.
Australians made 11 million calls through the payphones last year, and over 230,000 were to emergency services such as 000.
Telstra expects to lose $5 million in revenue from this decision, but Penn said it wasn’t a big deal.
“I know payphones are also a lifeline for thousands of vulnerable Australians—the homeless, the isolated, those escaping domestic violence—and often provide their only link to critical support services and those that care about them,” he said.
Salvation Army’s Major Brendan Nottle called the decision a “game-changer” that could help Australians walk out of poverty and isolation.

Telstra has previously introduced programs to allow free payphone usage, such as 600 fee-free payphones in remote indigenous communities and communities affected by bushfire disasters.
Minister for Communications Paul Fletcher said Telstra has committed to not seeking any increase in funding, and they would “closely monitor” the impact of the decision.