Teen Says He’s Ready to Stop Tracking Musk’s Private Jet on One Condition—and It’s Not Money

Teen Says He’s Ready to Stop Tracking Musk’s Private Jet on One Condition—and It’s Not Money
SpaceX founder Elon Musk during a T-Mobile and SpaceX joint event, in Boca Chica Beach, Texas, on Aug. 25, 2022. (Michael Gonzalez/Getty Images)
Tesla Inc CEO Elon Musk recently traveled from San Jose to San Francisco by a private jet. The flight took just nine minutes. People say he could have made the same trip in an hour by train or car.
Guess who tracked this trip? It was exposed by Jack Sweeney, the enterprising teenager who created a bot to follow Musk’s movements. He shares his info on Twitter by the name @ElonJet.

According to a report, Sweeney says he is ready to stop tracking Musk’s private jet on one condition.

“If he let me fly with him on his jet, record it and talk about it — and maybe not even pay me the $50,000 [previously asked for] — I would take it down,” Sweeney said of the Twitter account dedicated to tracking Musk’s jet, according to the New York Post. “That is still up for discussion.”

Earlier, Musk had offered Sweeney $5,000 to shut down the Twitter account. In response, the teenager had made a counteroffer of $50,000 or an internship opportunity with him.

In April, Sweeney told his followers on Twitter that he has a backup plan “just in case” his account on the microblogging account is shut down.

Last year, in November, Musk reached out to Sweeney and asked him to stop tracking his flight movements over privacy concerns.

Sweeney, a student at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, uses publicly available information to track several celebrities’ movements.

By Bibhu Pattnaik 
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