Swedish Prime Minister Lofven Ousted After Losing Confidence Vote; New Government Unclear

Swedish Prime Minister Lofven Ousted After Losing Confidence Vote; New Government Unclear
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven after he was ousted in no-confidence vote in Stockholm, Sweden on Sept. 25, 2018. (TT News Agency/Anders Wiklund via Reuters)

STOCKHOLM—Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven lost a no-confidence vote in parliament on Sept. 25, with the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats threatening to block any new government unless they are given a say in policy.

The rise of right-wing parties across Europe has forced many traditional parties into a choice of sharing power with populist forces or reaching out to long-standing opponents to keep them out.

Sweden, long seen as a bastion of liberal values and political stability, now faces the same choice with its center-left and center-right blocs evenly balanced after the Sept. 9 election, and the Sweden Democrats holding the balance of power.

“Now, the excitement will really start,” said Ulf Bjereld, a political scientist at Gothenburg University. “The parties will have to show their true colors now.”

The Sweden Democrats have been shunned by all other parties since entering parliament in 2010, making any tie-up unlikely.

If there is no viable government after four attempts by the speaker, a new election would have to be called within three months, with the main parties likely to face a similar dilemma again.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven and Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lovin in the Swedish parliament, where Lofven was ousted in a no-confidence vote on Sept. 25, 2018. (TT News Agency/Anders Wiklund via Reuters)
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven and Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lovin in the Swedish parliament, where Lofven was ousted in a no-confidence vote on Sept. 25, 2018. (TT News Agency/Anders Wiklund via Reuters)

Voters delivered a hung parliament in the Sept. 9 election, as Lofven’s center-left bloc won 144 seats, one more than the center-right opposition Alliance. The Sweden Democrats got 62 seats and backed the Alliance in the Sept. 25 vote, which was an obligatory test of the prime minister’s parliamentary support after an election.

A new government could take weeks or months—as was the case in Germany and Italy—to thrash out. The speaker will start discussions with party leaders on Sept. 27.

‘Very Complex’

After Lofven’s ousting, the speaker of parliament is now seen turning to Ulf Kristersson, leader of the biggest Alliance party, the Moderates, to try to form a new administration. But lacking a majority, Kristersson will need support either from the Sweden Democrats, who want to freeze immigration and a vote on membership of the European Union, or the center-left.

Neither choice looks viable.

“If the Alliance parties choose to try to govern as the smallest bloc, then they make themselves totally dependent on the Sweden Democrats,” Lofven said.

The Sweden Democrats want a voice on immigration, welfare, and crime policies as the price for supporting a new government.

“We will do everything in our power to stop any attempt to form a government, do everything to bring down every government, which does not give us a reasonable influence in proportion to our electoral support,” SD party leader Jimmie Akesson said.

The Alliance of the Moderates, Centre, Liberal, and Christian Democrats has said it won’t negotiate with the party.

Nevertheless, Moderate leader Kristersson said his chances of forming a government were good “for the simple reason that voter support for an Alliance government is much stronger than that for any other government.”

“But, I am very conscious of the fact that the situation in parliament is very complex,” he said.

The only other alternative, support from the center-left, was ruled out by Lofven, who is hoping for another shot at being prime minister himself.

An Alliance government has only “slim chances” of being formed, Linnaeus University political scientist Magnus Hagevi said.

If Kristersson fails to form a government, the speaker could turn once more to Lofven, still the leader of the biggest party in parliament, the Social Democrats, who have dominated Swedish politics for decades.

By Daniel Dickson and Johan Sennero