Suspicious packages sent to Hillary and Bill Clinton and former President Barack Obama were intercepted by the Secret Service during routine screening.
One package was sent to the Clintons’ New York home while the other was addressed to Obama’s Washington home.
The Clintons’ home is in Chappaqua, outside of New York.
The broadcaster citing law enforcement sources, said the package was discovered around 1 a.m. on Oct. 24, although the Secret Service described it as being found “late on Oct. 23.”

Obama Package Intercepted
A suspicious package sent to former President Barack Obama was intercepted by the Secret Service in Washington, reported MSNBC.“The Secret Service has initiated a full scope criminal investigation that will leverage all available federal, state, and local resources to determine the source of the packages and identify those responsible,” the agency added.
The White House condemned the packages in a statement. “We condemn the attempted violent attacks recently made against President Obama, President Clinton, Secretary Clinton, and other public figures,” press secretary Sarah Sanders said. “These terrorizing acts are despicable, and anyone responsible will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. The United States Secret Service and other law enforcement agencies are investigating and will take all appropriate actions to protect anyone threatened by these cowards.”

Device in Soros’s Mailbox
The suspicious package at Soros’s home was found in a mailbox around 3:45 p.m. on Oct. 22.“An employee of the residence opened the package, revealing what appeared to be an explosive device,” local police said.
The employee placed the package in a wooded area and called the police; bomb squad technicians arrived and detonated it.
Soros was not at home at the time.
It’s unclear if Bill or Hillary Clinton were at their home on Wednesday when the suspicious package was discovered.