Freedom was something we in the West took for granted as an inalienable right, until COVID came along. Now it’s a gift that our governments can “giveth and taketh away.”
Having previously enforced three lockdowns and imposed heavy fines on those who flouted the rules, Prime Minister Boris Johnson granted UK citizens the chance to get their lives back on July 19, which he named “Freedom Day.” But, after just 134 days, Nov. 30 became “End-of-Freedom Day,” at least from wearing face masks, and Brits are back to breathing in copious amounts of their own CO2.
How ironic that just a few weeks ago, at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, the prime minister warned of the dangers this gas poses to the environment but is now forcing us to inhale it—again.
Johnson said at a Downing Street press conference: “I know the frustration that we all feel with this Omicron variant, the sense of exhaustion that we could be going through this all over again.” Someone pointed out that an anagram of Omicron happens to be “Moronic.”
The prime minister said that the measures were “temporary and precautionary,” and to be backed up by more fines. He said the new measures will be reviewed in three weeks when there’s more information about the “continuing effectiveness” of the vaccines.
He once told the nation that the lockdown would only last for three weeks.
He justified mask-wearing in shops and other public places as a means of preventing having to impose even stronger measures. But Dr. Sam White, a longstanding critic of the UK government’s coronavirus measures, feels that mask-wearing poses its own health risks.
He told me: “Non-grade clinical masks, especially in a non-clinical setting, do absolutely nothing to protect anyone. In fact, there is a plentiful supply of scientific evidence to show they cause significant harm. For me, this is especially a concern for children, their neurodevelopment and neuroplasticity.”
Dr. Sam White Courtesy of Dr. Sam White
To those who argue that, as medical professionals wear them, they must serve some purpose, White says: “In a hospital setting, a mask is used in a well-ventilated theatre to prevent mucus secretions entering into an open wound or body cavity. The surgeon is generally not moving, unlike someone working a 12-hour shift rushing around a warehouse where the mask quickly becomes contaminated with bacteria, viruses, and germs. It’s cruel to subject workers to what is an unsafe medical intervention. What is more, COVID is an aerosolized virus not spread by mucus. It’s like using a chain-link fence to keep sand out.”
When I asked White what governments can do to deal with the plethora of COVID variants that are being discovered, he told me: “Whilst it mutates, and I am cynical if true gene sequencing has actually been done in each case of a new variant, it will become more transmissible, but symptoms become milder with each variant.
“It never made sense to create a vaccine for a coronavirus, as you can never keep up with the mutations. The vaccines do not prevent transmission or infection.”
At least Johnson accepts White’s last point, and he told reporters: “Our scientists are learning more hour by hour, and it does appear that Omicron spreads very rapidly and can be spread between people who are double vaccinated.”
White feels he has a solution: “Ivermectin and other safe, proven, effective therapeutics do keep up with variants and actually work.”
The helpful benefits of ivermectin were made very clear in the case of Sun Ng, an elderly COVID-19 patient who was thought to be dying but recovered only after being treated with the therapeutic. However, as The Epoch Times recently reported, the hospital in Illinois had to first be taken to court by his relatives before it would allow the drug to be administered.
The average age of deaths from COVID-19 still remains around 82, and White points out that many of those people were severely deficient in vitamin D. He is equally scathing about the way the vaccines were rushed out without being fully tested.
“Vaccination for a coronavirus has never been done successfully, so to roll it out without completion of full clinical trials, knowing full well the results of the SARs-CoV1 trials in animal studies, where they all died, was at best negligent but will in time likely be considered a far worse crime. It also vitiates any principle of informed consent with no long-term safety data available and insufficient short-term data.”
The only COVID-19 vaccine mandates the UK government has issued so far have been to health and social care workers. White’s former front-line colleagues in the NHS will have to have the full course by April 1, 2022, or risk losing their jobs, and care home workers had to be double jabbed by Nov. 11.
However, psychological coercion has been in place ever since the vaccines were first released. What has particularly concerned White is the manipulation of children, with many believing that if they don’t get vaccinated, they may end up killing their grannies.
This led White to make a video that went viral, attracting over 1 million views, and for which he was suspended from the National Health Service, but he’s still convinced it was the right thing to do.
“You do not experiment on humans, and consent must be freely given without coercion and include a discussion about alternative treatments such as nutraceuticals, therapeutics, and an individual’s material risk of developing COVID-19 or actually coming to harm from it.”
One possible COVID-19 test that isn’t being carried out in the UK is to check to see if people may already have a natural immunity to COVID-19, acquired from having contracted the disease, and so should not need a vaccine.
I asked White why this isn’t happening. He said: “Doctors can easily test COVID antibody levels in blood samples. It is true that antibodies diminish with time, so the blood sample may come back as negative. However, if they conduct a T-cell test, this will identify a ’memory of infection' which is broad and lasts for years. Whereas with the vaccines, the antibodies they contain have been shown to diminish within months.”
Meanwhile, on Dec. 3, the UK High Court revoked White’s suspension and interim “gagging order.” The General Medical Council was found to have breached his human rights.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Andrew Davies
Andrew Davies is a UK-based video producer and writer. His award-winning video on underage sex abuse helped Barnardos children’s charity change UK law, while his documentary “Batons, Bows and Bruises: A History of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra,” ran for six years on the Sky Arts Channel.