Stephen Harper Receives Award for Supporting Israel, Calls for ‘Peace Through Strength’

Stephen Harper Receives Award for Supporting Israel, Calls for ‘Peace Through Strength’
Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper is presented with an award for his support of Israel at a gala event co-hosted by the Israel Allies Foundation at the Canada Christian College on Oct. 20, 2022. Andrew Chen/The Epoch Times
Andrew Chen

Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper received the Israel Allies Award for his support of Israel at a gala event on Oct. 20.

Harper, who served as prime minister from 2006 to 2015, was presented with the award by the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF), which works with the U.S. Congress and legislatures around to world to garner support for Israel. The organization said it has a network of 1,200 legislators from 50 nations advocating for Israel. The gala event was held at and co-hosted by the Canada Christian College in Whitby, Ontario.

Harper said it’s important for Canada to stand up for its friends.

“The reason I gave Canadians at large for supporting the state of Israel was this: simply because it is in the national interest of our country, Canada, to do so,” he said.

“First, in a dangerous world, peace is not achieved through apology or trying to accommodate dangerous actors. Peace is achieved through strength and through deterrence. Second, just as a wise country stands up to its enemies, so too, it stands by its friends,” Harper sad.

“My government’s recognition of Israel’s right to exist was unconditional, our support of Israel’s right to self-defence was unequivocal, and our refusal to single out Israel for censure was unwavering.”

Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper was presented with an award for his support of Israel at a gala event co-hosted by the Israel Allies Foundation at the Canada Christian College in Whitby, Ont., on Oct. 20, 2022. (Andrew Chen/The Epoch Times)
Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper was presented with an award for his support of Israel at a gala event co-hosted by the Israel Allies Foundation at the Canada Christian College in Whitby, Ont., on Oct. 20, 2022. Andrew Chen/The Epoch Times

Harper said he inherited the belief that supporting Israel is “the right thing to do” from his father, Joseph Harper, who he said was a strong supporter of the Jewish people and a vocal opponent of antisemitism back in an era where antisemitic views were “public and widespread.”

“He would often say that no group of people ... have contributed so much in so many fields of human endeavours as the Jewish people. Why then, he would say, should they not be entitled to live in peace and security?” Harper said.

Gilad Erdan, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, said at the gala that there is a resurgence in antisemitic views around the world, with many colleges becoming “a breeding ground for hatred, intolerance, and antisemitism,” and some celebrities, social media influencers, and government officials also using their platforms in that way.

“The truth is ultimately more powerful than any falsehood and we must use faith and facts to fight the fabrication of those that seek our destruction. It is our duty to combat lies with the truth,” Erdan said. “Whether at the U.N., on social media, on college campuses, or in our community, remember, even a little bit of light can dispel much darkness.”

Gilad Erdan, Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, speaks at a gala event at the Canada Christian Church in Whitby, Ontario, on Oct. 20, 2022. Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper was presented with an award for his support of Israel. (Andrew Chen/The Epoch Times)
Gilad Erdan, Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, speaks at a gala event at the Canada Christian Church in Whitby, Ontario, on Oct. 20, 2022. Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper was presented with an award for his support of Israel. Andrew Chen/The Epoch Times
Erdan also noted that the Iranian government led by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad remains the greatest threat to Israel. He said while Canada has recently sanctioned members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, he urged Ottawa to completely blacklist the entity.
Charles McVety, president of the Canada Christian College, commended Harper for backing Israel in its fight against the terrorist group Hamas, which took over governance of the Gaza Strip in 2007.

The IAF also applauded Harper for being a strong voice in supporting Israel during the 2006 Lebanon War between Israel and Hezbollah and in the 2014 Gaza War.

The gala had an estimated attendance of 600 guests, including many prominent Jewish and Christian leaders from across Canada.