STAMFORD, Conn.—Jim Cavanaugh, president of Yonkers Industrial Development, and his wife Wilson Kimball attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at The Palace Theatre on April 29.
“I think I like it all,” he said. “The dancing is very graceful. It is good to see what traditional Chinese dance is. We don’t see a lot of it in this country, so I’m really pleased to be introduced to it. And it’s very inventive. Very inventive. So we’re enjoying it a lot.”
Based in New York, Shen Yun was founded in 2006 by leading Chinese artists and quickly became the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company. Shen Yun’s mission is to revive traditional Chinese culture.He said how much he appreciated the culture of China. “I think China is a country with a very, very long history. Perhaps one of the longest in the world, and one of the oldest developed cultures in the world. So the thought that we are able to appreciate that culture and see it expressed is a great thing.”
Mr. Cavanaugh took note of the present situation in China. “There was one piece that particularly spoke to what is going on in China today. I think it’s a good thing that is part of the program. I think people need to appreciate what is happening. It was introduced to the program, but not in an overwhelming way. So I think it was the right balance.”
Mrs. Kimball said she enjoyed the “Water Sleeves” piece. “It was so beautiful and so lyrical. And the women were amazingly graceful and their ability to perform that dance is something special,” she said.
Another dance also moved her: “I just want to say that the emotion conveyed at the sacrifice of the mother or the loss of a child is so palatable. You can actually feel it when it’s being danced on stage.”
Mr. Cavanaugh was also impressed with how the dance was synchronized with the animated background. “It’s really quite amazing how they integrate the live dancing with the background and the screen. It’s almost seamless. I haven’t really seen that before, so it was fun to watch.”
Shen Yun ’A beautiful art form’

Saral Mehra, director at the Yale School of Medicine, was impressed with the professional level of the performance. “I think it’s wonderful, very professional, and high-quality dancing. I think the acrobatics are amazing, and I really enjoy the dancing, the spinning, and ballet. And I really enjoy when they jumped into the screen. Those transitions are really cool,” he said.
He spoke of how traditional Chinese culture is coming back. “I think it’s very important and beautiful to watch. Traditional Chinese dance continues to thrive, and it’s a beautiful art form.”
When asked about the educational value that Shen Yun brings, Mr. Mehra said, “I think there a lot of great artistry to learn.”Mr. Mehra enjoyed the high quality of the orchestra. “I think the orchestra is amazing, and really high quality music.”
He noted the high energy of the performers and said the energy came “from the heart.“ He was sure of that ”because my daughter said so."