Southeastern China Outbreak Worse Than Officially Reported, Locals Say

Southeastern China Outbreak Worse Than Officially Reported, Locals Say
Residents queue to undergo nucleic acid testing for the novel coronavirus in Xiamen city, in China's eastern Fujian Province, on Sept. 14, 2021. (STR/AFP)

The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a toll on southeastern China. Putian, Xiamen, and Quanzhou are the three hardest-hit cities in Fujian Province. Local residents have been locked inside their homes, the nucleic acid test sites are crowded, and clashes happen often due to understaffing.

According to local official reports, between Sept. 10 and Sept. 20, confirmed cases numbered 195, 183, and 24, for Putian, Xiamen, and Quanzhou, respectively.

The Chinese regime has consistently covered up and underreported COVID-19 infection and death figures, thus the true number of confirmed cases in Fujian Province remains unknown.

On Sept. 20, the Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times interviewed several residents in the affected areas to learn their situation during the pandemic. All interviewees were not named for fear of reprisal from the regime.

Epidemic More Serious Than Reported: Xiamen Resident

The most severely affected area in Xiamen is the Tong'an District. The area’s Xiamen Third Hospital suspended general outpatient and emergency medical services on Sept. 18.

A villager in Tong‘an District told the Chinese edition of The Epoch Times that Tong’an District is the hardest hit area in Xiamen, and the confirmed cases are far worse than the official figures. “It’s just that the outside world doesn’t know. The residents of an entire building were taken away in some villages, and it’s happening every day.” he said.

No confirmed cases were reported in Pantu Village where he resides; but the villagers were unable to leave the village, and all factories in the village were closed.

He said that nucleic acid testing in Tong'an District is quite chaotic because of chronic understaffing and a slow process. In some places, locals and non-locals were tested separately, people’s patience is worn out, and a lot of physical conflicts occurred.

Xinmin is the most severely affected town in Tong’an District. A local resident told The Epoch Times, “There are many confirmed cases, almost every day. One was confirmed yesterday (Sept. 19) in Bazaipu Township, and the entire building was vacated and everyone was subject to quarantine; a 6th grader in Xinmin Central Primary School was confirmed today.”

A villager from Xike Township, Tong’an District, was queuing for a nucleic acid test when the reporter called. He said, “Everything has stopped since yesterday [Sept. 19].” He mentioned the situation at the test center, “We are all packed together, there are too many people.”

Another resident of Xiamen said that all restaurants and diners are closed. His diner will be closed for at least another two weeks.

He mentioned that the two major hospitals in the area, Zhongshan Hospital and the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University, suspended outpatient and emergency medical services.

No Outside Pandemic Information: Putian Resident

Xiuyu District is the area where three confirmed cases were reported in Putian City on Sept. 19, including a nurse and a staff member of the Xiuyu District Hospital.

The hospital has been closed since then.

A local resident near the hospital told the Chinese edition of The Epoch Times that an ambulance driver was the staff member who was confirmed to have the infection.

She said, “No one can come in this area. We are all staying at home, not allowed to go out. No idea when we can resume the activities.”

The reporter called the Xiuyu District Hospital, but the call was not answered.

The reporter learned from a resident on Daying Road in Xiuyu District that all shops have been closed and residents are forbidden to go out. He said, “Don’t know anything about the pandemic situation now.”

Epidemic Spreads to Quanzhou

The newly confirmed cases in Quanzhou on Sept. 19 were said to be related to cases in Xiamen and Putian.

A woman from Fengze District, Quanzhou City, said that several buildings were locked down. She said, “People from Putian visited relatives here. Several buildings surrounding the relative’s apartment were sealed off.”

She said residential lockdowns have been in effect since Sept. 19, and shops were closed, “We have done the first round of nucleic acid testing. Ready to do the second round.”

According to a notice from Fengze District office, residents of the lockdown area must follow “Stay at home, enter but no exit.”