Sleeping Man’s Dentures Go Missing, Until He Sees His Dog’s Hilarious New Smile

Sleeping Man’s Dentures Go Missing, Until He Sees His Dog’s Hilarious New Smile
(Illustration - Hornfinger/Shutterstock)
Michael Wing
From the archives: This story was last updated in June 2019.
Adorable dogs sometimes become idols of their owner’s Instagram, even skyrocketing would-be bloggers to social media stardom. Dogs wearing what humans wear, eating what humans eat, and doing what humans do have gone viral and, at times, gotten out of hand.
Long Island’s own Eunice is one such dog owner who can’t stop taking photos of her shih tzu-poodle-chihuahua mix named Maggie and posting them on the Instagram page she created for her pooch: magstermoomoo.

Amidst pics of Maggie wearing PJs and Halloween costumes, using a laptop, and wearing her mommy’s glasses, you’ll notice Maggie “smiling” like you’ve never seen a dog smile before. The last of which was an incident involving her dad’s dentures, and it got them noticed by major media and thousands of internet users.

As the story behind the smile goes, Eunice, who lives in her parents’ basement, leaves Maggie at home when she goes to work. Eunice’s dad takes care of Maggie while she is away. One day, Eunice’s dad decided to take a nap; he took his dentures out of his mouth because his gums were hurting before settling down to sleep.

He never expected to wake up to see Maggie “smiling” at him hilariously from under the living room table, wearing his dentures in her mouth—but that’s just what happened!

“He thought maybe he had left them in the bathroom,” Eunice recalled when her dad woke and was unable to locate his teeth. “When they weren’t there, he went searching downstairs and found Maggie under my living room table.”

He couldn’t help but snap a few pictures of the uproarious display of his daughter’s dog sporting his pearly whites. Eunice got a kick out if it when he texted her and sent her the photos.

“I was in tears laughing and showing all of my coworkers,” Eunice told BuzzFeed News.

She later shared the spectacle with the whole internet in a tweet, and netizens spread it in droves.

“You guyssss!“ she tweeted. ”A few months ago my dog, Maggie, stole my dads [sic] dentures while he was napping (his gums had been hurting him so he took them out mid-afternoon) and he found her like this.”

The hilarious tweet went viral, with literally tens of thousands of Twitter users liking and retweeting the incredible pictures.

Eunice’s dad expected nothing less from the “spunky” pooch, which had a “rebellious” nature, according to Eunice.

Apparently, Dad washed the dentures clean afterward, and, it was reported, he was considering replacing them anyway—so no harm done! And, just maybe, they’ll let Maggie hold on to her newfound pearly whites.

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