Singer-Songwriter David Archuleta Moved by Spirituality in Shen Yun

Singer-Songwriter David Archuleta Moved by Spirituality in Shen Yun
David James Archuleta took an evening off after working in the studio to enjoy a Shen Yun performance at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center in Nashville on Jan. 20, 2018. NTD Television

“I just came by myself to take a night out after working in the studio. I have been wanting to come [see the show]. They’ve come here several years now, and I was never able to go, and this time I was here, and I’m glad I could come to the show.”

“One of my favorite things about the show was the historic parts of it and [Shen Yun] telling the story and helping us know all the different scenes over time of China. I’ve really enjoyed that. ... I’m very into culture; I’m very interested in learning about other arts and cultures. ... I would say for anyone else who’s interested in learning about the arts and the cultures, or if they are from Chinese culture and want to reconnect to their culture, I would recommend to come and see the show.”

“Another thing that I [enjoyed] learning about was the values of the Chinese traditions throughout history. Like I said, I loved the spiritual connections with the heavens and with God. I thought those were really beautiful things. It’s not just about the arts and how it looks; it’s about helping people learn and to connect spiritually as well.”

“I thought the different cultural dances were really pretty, and they had the different dynasty dances as well as the different ethnic dances, and I thought all of it was really beautiful.”

“The way that they used their costumes and the characters and also in the movements, it’s all really wonderful.”

“The singer, I thought she had a very strong voice. I thought she had a very beautiful tone as well, and I thought the message was very touching. ... I didn’t realize how much spirituality was in the Chinese culture.”

“I have loved the live orchestra and the live instruments and music. ... The coordination between the musicians and the dancers has been great. It’s not always easy to hear the instruments when on stage. I know being on the stage, and the dancers have been well coordinated and well synchronized.”

“Shen Yun [is] a talented group. ... I’ve appreciated them sharing their culture, the Chinese culture with us, because we don’t know a lot about the Chinese culture.”

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