Zevs: Shen Yun Beauty Comes From Heart

Zevs: Shen Yun Beauty Comes From Heart
ZEVS, (L-R), AKA Aghirre Schwarz, and Nuba, at Brussels National Theatre, April 3, 2014. Maria Mann/Epoch Times

BRUSSELS—The art of Zevs or Aghirre Schwarz has always been about inviting thought and about freedom. When he saw Shen Yun Performing Arts on April 3, he knew what to do.

“Everything [about Shen Yun] connects the body, the mind, and the freedom of thinking. I was very touched and fascinated by the beauty, and how far the show can go with the performance, freedom of movement and freedom of thinking,” Zevs said.

He said he needed to be on Shen Yun’s side to be happy. “I like it? Yes, of course. I would not be happy if I was an opposing force. I’m a big fan of freedom, so I really like the show.”

Shen Yun’s program says, “prepare to enter a magical realm of beauty and purity, a place where the righteous always prevails, and legends come to life.”

The stories, music, and non-narrative dances in Shen Yun “have a lot of grace, force, and humor,” said Zevs.

It also has “beauty,” he said. “It’s evident that the expression comes from the heart of the people who dance.”

According to the Shen Yun website, “Art was meant to uplift, bringing joy to both the people who created and experienced it. 

Zevs is known for provocative designs. For example, he paints famous logos or symbols so that they seem to be melting or dissolving. He calls it liquidating. He liquidated a hammer and sickle at the Moscow International Biennial for Young Art 2010, Art in America reported.

He also has a mysterious side. He painted the shadows of Paris on the street so that people could see them when it was day.

Zevs attended Shen Yun with Nuba, who is a marketing specialist. She said, “The colors were magic.”

She found the experience of Chinese classical dance, folk dance, and orchestral music to be joyful. 

“I think the performance itself is very cheerful. It’s beautiful,” said Nuba.

Speaking of the two dances that describe injustice in China, she said, “Also, the actual news, the reality of the type of problem that we face nowadays; it’s a really beautiful way to communicate to the world about that, I think.”

Reporting by Maria Mann and Raiatea Tahana-Reese 

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.


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