‘When the Divine Touches the Human, We Arrive at Shen Yun,’ Says a Company Director

‘When the Divine Touches the Human, We Arrive at Shen Yun,’ Says a Company Director
Shen Yun is "another vision of dance, it's a vision that is more complete, more complex," said Dominique Dolé, a company director, attending Shen Yun at the Palais des Congrès in Paris on April 29, 2023. (NTD)

PARIS—On Saturday, April 29, a joyful crowd at the Palais des Congrès was eager to discover the best of classical Chinese dance and music.

Dominique Dolé is a business manager in Paris. For him, Shen Yun constitutes, “another vision of dance, it is a vision that is more complete, more complex, and it is particularly instructive, both in terms of choreography, staging, colors, and it is also a broader dimension that links spirituality!”

“You can feel, I would say, the tradition, and at the same time a kind of spirituality and that’s great because, when the divine touches the human, you arrive at Shen Yun! I’m a practicing Catholic, so I completely understand this dimension, both spiritual, which is compassion, benevolence ... in any case, it was very evocative! ”

Also in the audience was Damien Striebig, second section general and commander of the Republican Guard, who runs a wine estate in the Saint-Tropez region. He was accompanied by his partner Karine Badin.

Karine Badin and Damien Striebig attended Shen Yun at the Palais des Congrès in Paris on Saturday, April 29, 2023. (NTD).
Karine Badin and Damien Striebig attended Shen Yun at the Palais des Congrès in Paris on Saturday, April 29, 2023. (NTD).

“It’s beautiful, it’s breathtaking, and at the same time, it’s very fresh,” said Ms. Badin.

The general, who saw Shen Yun for the first time in 2018, was again impressed by “the form, the level of the artists, their dexterity, their flexibility, the absolutely wonderful costumes, as well as on the substance.”

“The story that is told, these little stories that follow one another, carry us away!” he said.

Ms. Badin said Shen Yun brings “beauty, sensitivity, benevolence, kindness. Today, the world lacks a lot of that and it is good to have a show like this, a show with a lot of love.”

Shen Yun “brings a stone to the edifice of reflection, everyone should agree to return to more human feelings, to kindness.”

“I think the divine is everywhere in this show because it’s so beautiful, it’s so elegant, it’s so significant.”

For Mr. Striebig, Shen Yun is “a show that touches all the senses, the body and the mind! We had an extraordinary evening and we leave with beautiful memories. And as you’ve mentioned, it goes beyond that, into the spiritual realm, into the philosophical realm ... There is an ‘after’ this show.”

Shen Yun, ‘It’s Really Magical’

Laurent Barbot is a former quality engineer in Le Havre region. He came with his family, his wife, his son, and his daughter-in-law to experience Shen Yun in Paris.

“I am dazzled! Dazzled because it has been a long time since I had seen a show as breathtaking and as interesting as this one.”

Laurent Barbot came to discover Shen Yun with his family on April 29, 2023, in Paris. (NTD)
Laurent Barbot came to discover Shen Yun with his family on April 29, 2023, in Paris. (NTD)

“There is something very spiritual that you feel in the scripts and the lyrics and in the way of dancing of the artists and in the music too, of course! It’s really very beautiful, very wonderful, and very spiritual!”

“There is a message in this show and I understand it in relation to the reality of the facts and things that are happening today in China,” said Mr. Barbot.

Shen Yun ‘Dancers Are Fabulous’

Gérald Frémy, a pedagogical coordinator, felt this connection with the divine in Shen Yun after seeing a performance in Paris on April 29, 2023. (NTD)
Gérald Frémy, a pedagogical coordinator, felt this connection with the divine in Shen Yun after seeing a performance in Paris on April 29, 2023. (NTD)

Gérald Frémy is a pedagogical coordinator and training officer in the Paris region.

“The dancers are fabulous,” he said enthusiastically. “Really, they are true professionals. You can feel the training, but at the same time, it seems very easy. It’s really magical!”

He too was touched by this connection to the divine presented in Shen Yun’s dance vignettes and bel canto solos. “You feel that the gods created the world, came to Earth, and created the human race. You feel that connection and it feels really good!”

For Mr. Frémy, Shen Yun “can bring a message of peace, a positive message and above all a willingness to show that all cultures are important and that we must preserve them all.”
Pascal Virel, an accountant, came from Luxembourg with his daughter to see Shen Yun in Paris on April 29, 2023. (NTD)
Pascal Virel, an accountant, came from Luxembourg with his daughter to see Shen Yun in Paris on April 29, 2023. (NTD)

Pascal Virel traveled from Luxembourg to attend the show with his daughter in Paris.

“It’s high flying! These are men and women who are athletic, really, they are top athletes and dancers. They have phenomenal flexibility. Moreover, we are quite amazed and astonished when we see them in movement! Then the costumes are very beautiful. And it is very pleasant to look at the synchronization of the movements. It’s enchanting! We dream—we dream with them!”
This accountant was touched by the orchestra and the unique sounds of Shen Yun’s music.
“The orchestra, even though it’s philharmonic, mixes traditional European and Asian culture, wow! It’s great! I think it’s a first by the way!”

Shen Yun ‘Speaks to Me’

Mr. Virel was inspired by the tenor’s performance and the lyrics displayed on the digital background which mentioned “a God who creates light.”

“We need to be spiritual and not into atheism, that’s what it says ... It speaks to me since I’m a believer myself.”

According to Mr. Virel, Shen Yun allows us “to return to universal values, to a little more spirituality, mutual aid, listening, benevolence between us. And the performing arts are also very beautiful!”

Reporting by NTD and Sarita Modmesaïb.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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