‘We Couldn’t Wait to See It’: Retired Banker Inspired by Shen Yun

‘We Couldn’t Wait to See It’: Retired Banker Inspired by Shen Yun
Craig Clausen enjoyed the Shen Yun Performing Arts matinee at The Bushnell - The William H. Mortensen Hall in Hartford, Connecticut, on Feb. 11, 2023. (Weiyong Zhu/The Epoch Times)

HARTFORD, Conn.—Craig Clausen, former senior vice president at JP Morgan and other major banks, is among the many Shen Yun Performing Arts audience members this year who felt they finally attained a long-awaited experience.

“I’ve wanted to see this for a long, long time,” said Mr. Clausen, who attended the Shen Yun matinee on Feb. 11 with his wife at The Bushnell - The William H. Mortensen Hall in Hartford, Connecticut. The couple had moved from Long Island to the Constitution State, and when they saw that Shen Yun was coming to the Bushnell, “we couldn’t wait to see it.”
New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s top classical Chinese dance company and has in the past decade become a global sensation. The artists aim to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization with music and dance

“The dancing was fabulous. The choreography was excellent. The singing was gorgeous. And the stories were fun to listen to and watch,” Mr. Clausen said.

The performance was as uplifting as it was beautiful, Mr. Clausen said.
“There’s a lot of messages in the show. There is a lot of history. It was spot on. It was very good. Well done, very well done,” he said. He shared that messages he thought were in the stories were of a spiritual nature, which the couple appreciated, being people of faith themselves.

Ancient China was once known by names such as the “Celestial Empire” and the “Land of the Divine,” its culture was believed to be divinely inspired. As theatergoers glean from the two-and-a-half hours production, the ancient Chinese held a reverence toward the divine, all across thousands of years of dynasties, and across its 50-some ethnic minority groups.

Mr. Clausen was all smiles after the performance. “Now I’ve seen it, and I feel good about it,” he said. Given the opportunity to share his thoughts on Shen Yun, he wanted to say, “I would tell them, keep it up and keep going for years on and seriously, you know, don’t stop. And make sure it’s all around the country, [so] everybody can see it.”
Reporting by Weiyong Zhu.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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