Victorian MP Says Freedom of Belief Is Extremely Important

Victorian MP Says Freedom of Belief Is Extremely Important
Victorian MP Renee Heath (R), and her sister, Anita Heath (L), attend Shen Yun Performing Arts at Ulumbarra Theatre in Bendigo, Australia, on March 3, 2024. (Beatrice Li/The Epoch Times)
BENDIGO, Australia—Victorian MP Dr. Renee Heath was among those touched by Shen Yun Performing Arts’ message about freedom of belief after seeing the world-class classical Chinese dance performance with her sister at Bendigo’s Ulumbarra Theatre on March 3.
While the state member for the Eastern Victoria Region, Dr. Heath, was amazed by the beauty of the costumes and dances, she found the stories presented by Shen Yun inspiring, especially a performance about the persecution of the spiritual practice of Falun Gong, which is based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance, by the Chinese communist regime.

“That was amazing and really well done,” she said.

As a person who strongly supports freedom of belief, Ms. Heath said that the Australian people needed to be careful not to allow the same thing to happen here.

“We have to always fight for that freedom and democracy,” she said, noting that it was impossible for people to be treated well if they did not have freedom of belief.

Dr. Heath’s sister, Anita Heath, an ANZ banker, agreed as she found it horrific to learn that the persecution of Falun Gong was still happening in modern-day China.

At the same time, Dr. Heath expressed her love for the way that Shen Yun depicted rich stories from the 5,000 years of Chinese history and culture.
“I think I like all of it and I like how it all works together and how there’s some very comical stuff and thought-provoking things,” she said. “I just love the beauty of all the backgrounds and the costumes. It’s really lovely.”

Dancer Impressed by Shen Yun’s Storytelling

Milla Sambell, a sport dancer who attended the March 3 performance with her family, was struck by the uniqueness of Shen Yun’s storytelling.

Ms. Sambell and her dance partner ranked 31st in the WDSF (World DanceSport Federation) World Open competition in Bangkok in September 2023.

During the two-hour performance, Ms. Sambell was amazed to see how Shen Yun’s performers told different stories about Chinese history, spirituality, and China’s diversity of ethnic groups.

“It is quite outside the usual things,” she said.

“I love seeing the different dimensions of what they’re bringing from their culture and their costumes. And the way they present their costumes and the accessories is absolutely stunning.”
Milla Sambell and her husband, Tony Sambell, attend Shen Yun Performing Arts at Ulumbarra Theatre in Bendigo, Australia, on March 3, 2024. (Beatrice Li/The Epoch Times)
Milla Sambell and her husband, Tony Sambell, attend Shen Yun Performing Arts at Ulumbarra Theatre in Bendigo, Australia, on March 3, 2024. (Beatrice Li/The Epoch Times)

As a dancer who has received some training in ballet, Ms. Sambell noticed the differences between the art form and classical Chinese dance, especially in the footwork and the way the dancers used their bodies.

“The way they are using their arms and hands is quite beautiful and elegant, and I love that,” she said. “It’s different from pure ballet, which gives a very different experience for viewers. It’s quite beautiful to watch.”

According to Shen Yun’s website, classical Chinese dance originated from dances in ancient imperial palaces and folk traditions that were passed down through the 5,000 years of Chinese civilization.
In addition, it has a different training system compared to ballet and is composed of various difficult jumping and tumbling techniques.

Through the performance, Ms. Sambell also came to know about a harsh reality in China under the rule of the atheistic communist party where people are persecuted for their personal beliefs.

“I think people [should] have the freedom to make their own choices, how they live their lives, what they choose to believe in, and what makes them feel good,” she said.

Reporting by Beatrice Li and Alfred Bui.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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