University President Appreciates the ‘Aesthetics and the Beauty of Traditional Chinese Culture’

University President Appreciates the ‘Aesthetics and the Beauty of Traditional Chinese Culture’
Michael K. Young enjoyed watching Shen Yun at the Rudder Auditorium, in College Station, Texas on Feb. 13, 2018. (NTD Television)

“The principal dancers are really extraordinary. They are mesmerizing to watch. It is quite a wonderful performance. I love the fact that it captured a broad range of Chinese history and Chinese culture.”

“It [traditional Chinese culture] has an enormous amount of beauty and passion, all connected to it.”

“Wonderful orchestra. Remarkable tonality. It is just a great pleasure to be here.”

“She [soprano] has a beautiful voice, beautiful voice.”

“[The stories] are interesting. I think they are sublimated a bit to the actual technicality and the beauty of the dance.”

“It is certainly very emotional. No doubt about that.”

“I have a real appreciation for the aesthetics and the beauty of traditional Chinese culture. And this exemplifies it very well.”

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