Transported Into an Enchanting Dreamworld at Shen Yun

Transported Into an Enchanting Dreamworld at Shen Yun

“The Shen Yun show was very impressive, and absolutely fantastic. The introduction by the emcees before any scene was so important. This, and reading the playbill was the perfect introduction for immersing into the scenes.”

“The dancers were outstanding. They appear to be part of the pictures shown on the backdrop. They jump into the scene, disappear and the appear again—most impressive.”

“As soon as the curtain opened, I felt that I was transported into a different world, a dream land—absolutely enchanting.”

“I will remember the call for not getting lost in the modern world, but return to ones roots. It is so amazing the the old roots are being brought back to life.”

“The show awakens in us the need to return to humanness, bring back brotherhood, forgiveness, understanding, and sharing through thick and thin.”

“The Shen Yun show awakened in me the hope that people not only watch and then forget about it, but tell others they meet about it and awaken in them the call towards humanness.”


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