Time Flies While Watching Shen Yun

Time Flies While Watching Shen Yun

“I thought [Shen Yun] was fantastic—the colours, the dancing, the music, just amazing. The time flew by while I was sat there.”


“[I felt] very relaxed actually, very calm and happy. It was fantastic.”


“The music and the way everything flowed and the choreography with the music and the back projection with the computer graphics—it was fantastic the way they landed on the stage. Loved it!”


“I didn’t realise [traditional Chinese culture] had been suppressed in its own country, so to have it brought to the attention of the audience and explained and expressed through music and dance is brilliant for the culture and bringing it back to the forefront for the new generation.”


“Music and dance has relevance in everybody’s lives no matter what your culture.”


“Definitely get a ticket for the next time in they are in the UK. You will enjoy it and the two and a half hours will fly by.”


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