‘This Message of Hope and Freedom Is Invaluable’: Wyoming Officials Welcome Shen Yun

‘This Message of Hope and Freedom Is Invaluable’: Wyoming Officials Welcome Shen Yun
Shen Yun Performing Arts North America Company's curtain call at Denver's Buell Theatre, on March 10, 2023. NTD
Epoch Times Staff

Shen Yun Performing Arts’ North America Company will be giving two performances on March 14 and 15 at Wyoming’s Cheyenne Civic Center.

Wyoming State Representatives Jared Olsen (top L), Daniel Singh (top R), Dan Zwonitzer (bottom L), and City of Laramie mayor Brain Harrington (bottom R) sent congratulatory letters to Shen Yun Performing Arts ahead of their performances at the Cheyenne Civic Center.
Wyoming State Representatives Jared Olsen (top L), Daniel Singh (top R), Dan Zwonitzer (bottom L), and City of Laramie mayor Brain Harrington (bottom R) sent congratulatory letters to Shen Yun Performing Arts ahead of their performances at the Cheyenne Civic Center.

State Representatives Jared Olsen, Daniel Singh, Dan Zwonitzer, and City of Laramie Mayor Brian Harrington sent their greetings and congratulatory letters to Shen Yun.

Congratulatory letter from Wyoming State Representative Jared Olsen.
Congratulatory letter from Wyoming State Representative Jared Olsen.

“It is my great honor to celebrate and welcome Shen Yun to Cheyenne, Wyoming as part of their 2023 tour,” Mr. Olsen wrote in his congratulatory letter.

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, set to visit more than 180 cities this season.

Congratulatory letter from Wyoming State Representative Daniel Singh.
Congratulatory letter from Wyoming State Representative Daniel Singh.

“The combined skill of the orchestral players, composers, conductors, dancer, and production experts is nothing short of spectacular,” Mr. Singh wrote. “This message of hope and freedom is invaluable as our society recovers from isolation.”

Congratulatory letter from Wyoming State Representative Dan Zwonitzer
Congratulatory letter from Wyoming State Representative Dan Zwonitzer

Mr. Zwonitzer stated that “Shen Yun is always a spectacle to behold, for all ages and understandings, of the beauty and freedoms lost to communism … May our lasting cultural bonds never fade as we continue to celebrate Shen Yun and their performance art benefitting our cultural understanding of time past, and the beauty remaining in historic traditions.”

Congratulatory letter from City of Laramie mayor Brian Harrington
Congratulatory letter from City of Laramie mayor Brian Harrington
Mr. Harrington wrote that Shen Yun “will enrich the cultural experiences provided to our communities and allow them to come together.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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