‘This is the Heart of China’: Shen Yun Theatergoer

‘This is the Heart of China’: Shen Yun Theatergoer
Shen Yun Performing Arts' curtain call after a performance at the Hult Center, in Eugene, on March 28, 2023. NTD
Epoch Newsroom
EUGENE, Ore.—The human body has five senses but beyond that, there is the soul and the mind. Shen Yun Performing Arts isn’t just something to see and hear, it is an experience for the soul.

“There was the mind and the body. There was the soul and the flesh. And that’s what I’m getting. I’m getting the integration of the whole person. And I think that it’s hitting my senses with the color and the movement. And I’ve just enjoyed it immensely,” said Bruce Herberger, a nurse.

Shen Yun is based in New York and it is dedicated to reviving 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, but is unable to perform in China.
“It was awesome. It was so beautiful in every way. The music, the choreography, the storyline behind it all, the impact that it talks about what’s going on now. I was floored in every way. It was absolutely beautiful,” said DeAnn Herberger, Mr. Herberger’s wife.
Since the Chinese communist party took power, China has seen its history erased and changed. Shen Yun is reminding people of the beauty and honor of China before communism.

“I think they’re cheating themselves. What do they say with those who forget their past? Well, no, that doesn’t work. Because they’re doomed to repeat it. It'd be nice. It’s just that they’ve ignored their past. Where is their heart? This is the heart of China, if you ask me,” said Mr. Herberger.

Shen Yun shows audiences what society was like before technology was infused into our lives. Mrs. Herberger shared her thoughts on what Shen Yun brings to its audience.

DeAnn Herberger at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at the Hult Center, in Eugene, on March 28, 2023. (Mary Zhang/The Epoch Times)
DeAnn Herberger at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at the Hult Center, in Eugene, on March 28, 2023. Mary Zhang/The Epoch Times

“I just encourage everyone to just come and see it and just be moved by it. It was just beautiful in every way. And then meeting the people as you were going, even that, the interactions with the audience. And then again the music, absolutely spectacular. I’m just really, really glad that we were able to come,” she said.

“I was looking at the diversity of the people in the audience. And that really touched my heart too. So I’m just really thrilled. I’m so blessed that you guys put this on and that it makes such a difference. It’s really great,” she added.

Shen Yun’s artists rehearse and practice tirelessly to become great dancers but their success does not stop there. In order to move the hearts of audiences, the dancers also work hard on improving their minds and being morally upright.

“I think it’s really that impact that we each have on each other’s lives. I felt in the music how much effort went into the practice. It really stirred me to see that intention come to life. But it’s not just a passion of a desire, it’s an importance. And when you realize that importance that’s behind it and the value it has. I think that takes it to a whole other level,” said Mrs. Herberger.

Shen Yun’s dancers are trained in classical Chinese dance. This dance form has thousands of years of history and is actually the predecessor of acrobatics and gymnastics.

“I love that. I did not realize the history of the dance, that it was so old and that other dance forms have honored it. I think it’s fantastic. We’ve been waiting for four years to see this,” said Mr. Herberger.

Reporting by Mary Zhang and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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