There Is Nothing Else out There Like Shen Yun, Says Retired Navy Officer

There Is Nothing Else out There Like Shen Yun, Says Retired Navy Officer
Thaddeus Thomas (R) and his son enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance at the Phoenix Orpheum, on Feb. 22, 2023. (Sherry Dong/The Epoch Times)

PHOENIX—On Feb. 22, Thaddeus Thomas enjoyed Shen Yun for the third time at the Phoenix Orpheum.

The beauty of the performance kept him returning time and again but the evening was extra special because he finally got to share the experience with his son.

“This is the first time for the boy. It’s great to bring him to experience this unique culture,” said Mr. Thomas, retired from the Navy. He was chief petty officer and later command chief of a naval base in California.

There’s nothing else out there like it. You have to go to Shen Yun to see this kind of performance. It’s so beautiful!
Thaddeus Thomas

“It was expressive, emotional, and very colorful. There’s nothing else out there like it. You have to go to Shen Yun to see this kind of performance. It’s so beautiful!”

Based in New York, Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company. Its artists are seeking to revive the glory of China’s 5,000 years of history and share, through a series of short dance pieces, all that is good and beautiful in China before communism.

For Mr. Thomas, watching Shen Yun has always brought him a sense of inner peace, joy, and relief. “There were a couple of times I wanted to stand up out of my chair and just clap, but I knew the program wasn’t done yet!”

Mr. Thomas was especially touched by Shen Yun’s vocalists. Their songs proved that music is, indeed, a universal language.

“The [vocalist] was so moving. The way he was able to express the song—I didn’t have to know what the words said—I could understand what he was trying to convey.”

Having received praise and acclaim since its inception in 2006, Shen Yun has quickly grown to include eight equal-sized companies that tour the world simultaneously each year.

The artists are expected to visit over 180 cities this season.

However, for its insistence on exposing the crimes of the Chinese communist regime, Shen Yun is currently banned from performing in China.

Reflecting on a story-based dance piece depicting the suffering of Chinese people at the hands of the communist party and its heinous organ trafficking market—Mr. Thomas said he was touched by Shen Yun’s commitment to telling the truth.

“It was the most moving piece,” he said. “I was shocked! I knew it was happening but I’ve never seen anyone portray it and show the brutality of what it is. It was very sad.”

“The world should see it. China needs to see it,” Mr. Thomas added adamantly. “[Shen Yun] is portraying China the way we all want it to be—before Mao, before communism and the one-party system—this is how it should be.”

Reporting by Sherry Dong and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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