Theology Student Finds Shen Yun a Spiritual Awakening

Theology Student Finds Shen Yun a Spiritual Awakening

“The show was really magical, very moving and almost hypnotic. The movements, colors and the shininess of the dresses—really enchanting.”

“I loved the rain dance. It was really beautiful. The umbrellas reminded me of the sun, and the ways the women were moving their feet reminded me of the way the rain falls and it pitter-patters. This is just really special and calm, and also very moving.”

“It was an opportunity to feel a bit of the Chinese history and the character. I felt the peace and spirituality.”

“It was very touching. We realized that we are all here for things that are not completely material, and go back to something higher—this is a beautiful notion.”

“The show is a spiritual awakening and I think anyone could gain something beautiful from this.”

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