Theatergoer in Spain Says Shen Yun Is ‘Magnificent’

Theatergoer in Spain Says Shen Yun Is ‘Magnificent’
Hermann Tertsch at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Teatro Auditorio San Lorenzo de El Escorial, on March 16, 2025. NTD
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SAN LORENZO DE EL ESCORIAL, Spain—Shen Yun Performing Arts has eight companies touring the world simultaneously but Hermann Tertsch said he feels that eight companies are not nearly enough.

“I think it’s magnificent. I think it’s very successful. I think it’s just to be applauded, and the thing to do is to multiply it. I’m told there’s eight [groups] on stage all over the world. I wish there were eighty, and I hope soon there will be eight hundred,” he said.

Shen Yun’s mission is to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization and classical Chinese dance.
“Beautiful show, magnificent. It’s very inspiring to recover this magnificent effort to really bring back the authentic China, the spiritual China, the China of a 5,000-year-old culture. ... We need to go back to dive into the memory of authentic China, the spiritual China,” Mr. Tertsch said.

Shen Yun’s artists are trained in classical Chinese dance, one of the most comprehensive dance systems in the world.

“Marvelous finesse, those dance steps, those figures, that marvelous stylization of the dance, is part of that which [the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)] wants to destroy,” Mr. Tertsch said.

For the last century, the CCP has been systematically trying to distort and destroy Chinese culture. Mr. Tertsch feels that Chinese culture “has been brutally and criminally erased by a crude China, militarized. It has brought out the worst in human beings, the greatest cruelty, and that’s the China that’s been presented to us for 70 years.”

Mr. Tertsch remarked that while the CCP is based on lies and deceit, Shen Yun is the opposite.

“They need diminished beings, they need interchangeable beings, they need soulless beings, and [Shen Yun] is soul. This is spirituality, and as such is their worst enemy, and it is also true, which is the other great enemy because they always live in lies—their whole foundation is a lie,” he said.

With Shen Yun sharing the truth of the CCP with the world, it is unable to perform in China.

“I hope that in the not-too-distant future, this will really all come back to China, and we get China back, and all the rest of the world will get it back. So that human beings can really evolve in freedom and with the desire for happiness, for personal growth, of fraternity among all, and in freedom,” Mr. Tertsch said.

One of the worst crimes of the century is the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong. Shen Yun uses its art to raise awareness of this crime—especially the forced organ harvesting that the CCP performs.

“All my deepest respect to Falun Gong, for all their work, for all their heroism, for all this immense, colossal school of spirituality, that works despite all the monstrosities and difficulties,” Mr. Tertsch said.

He believes that this persecution is a lesson that every human should learn.

“My regards to all the victims of the Chinese repression, of the forced organ transplants, of that infinite cruelty displayed by Chinese communism. This is a huge lesson in sensitivity and introspection,” Mr. Tertsch said.

Recently the Chinese consulate in Washington sent bomb threats to the Kennedy Center where Shen Yun was performing, trying to stop the performance. Mr. Tertsch said that Spain is also no stranger to the CCP trying to intervene in everything.

“Of course, [the CCP] tries here in Spain, it tries everywhere, and the Chinese Communist Party thinks it can do everything everywhere, and we have to show them that it’s not like that, and the more of us who teach them that it is not so, the better,” he said.

Mr. Tertsch said the CCP has reached too far into many foreign institutions.

“The bad thing is that [the CCP] has a lot of accomplices here because it buys the people and it buys the institutions. We have to denounce those who are bought,” he said.

Reporting by NTD and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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