Theatergoer Uncovers Warm Lost Memory Through Shen Yun

Theatergoer Uncovers Warm Lost Memory Through Shen Yun
Chen Jung-Tai, general manager of a real estate branch office, uncovers lost memory while watching Shen Yun Performing Arts. (Cheng Shun-Li/Epoch Times)

TAINAN, Taiwan—As the curtain was raised on Shen Yun Performing Arts’ first program, Chen Jung-Ta felt a stream of ineffable warm thoughts. “It looked like a place, an infinitely faraway place in Heaven, that used to be my home. I felt some kind of memory coming back to me through this story and somehow I hope that I can go back to this place through Shen Yun as well.”

“Emotions overwhelmed me the moment gods and Buddhas descended to the stage,” said Mr. Chen, who described what he saw in the opening program “Salvation and Renewal.” In the story, the Creator calls upon the multitude of divine beings to descend to earth. They incarnate into China’s imperial court, ready to weave the splendid tapestry of history, according to the program notes.

According to Mr. Chen, who saw the performance at the Tainan Municipal Cultural Center on April 1, this and the other stories brought back to him the true, honest, and kind thoughts that he used to abide by.

“If the media and other social outlets could spread these kinds of positive messages like Shen Yun does in our society, the place we live in will be a better one,” Mr. Chen said.

Mr. Chen wasn’t the only one who felt the divine energy with the first program.

“Tears came out of my eyes the minute the curtain went up,” said Tsai Bing-Ju, CEO of a design company. “This energy field was calm, yet powerful and joyous. Gods and Buddhas must have existed because I felt them and that was why I cried.”

Ms. Tsai recommended the show from her own experience, “One should come to see Shen Yun’s show live. Only then would he know what tranquility is and experience the spiritual strength that can get him through tough times.”

Reporting by Sun Kuo-Ying and Lin Hsin-Yi

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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