The World Needs More Shows Like Shen Yun, Says Western Australian Politician

The World Needs More Shows Like Shen Yun, Says Western Australian Politician
Western Australian Legislative Council Member for Mining and Pastoral the Hon. Robin Scott (R) saw Shen Yun at Perth's Regal Theater in Western Australia, on Feb. 21, 2019. Victor Bernal/NTD

PERTH, Australia—Shen Yun Performing Arts is a great way to showcase 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture, a Western Australian politician said on Feb. 21, 2019.

Member for Mining and Pastoral in State Parliament’s Legislative Council Robin Scott believes Shen Yun is inspiring the world through classical dance, music, and 3-D artwork, and hopes the performance will eventually expand and one day tour Mainland China.

“It really opened my eyes,” he said after attending Perth’s fourth Shen Yun performance at the Regal Theatre. “[I] hope that someday, someday the Chinese people will be able to witness Shen Yun themselves, and maybe the organization will get big ... let’s get 600 of them [dance companies] travelling the world, that’s what we need, we need more shows like this.”

Beijing authorities have tried many times to stop the New York-based company from reaching worldwide audiences for more than a decade. The Chinese communist regime has used propaganda, and tried to dissuade United Nations diplomats from attending Shen Yun performances, according to a letter dated Dec. 6, 2016 from China’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, which the newspaper just recently obtained a copy of.

The company’s mission to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization through music and dance, and its depictions of Chinese culture as divinely inspired, have irked the officially atheist communist regime.

However, many Mainland Chinese people would probably enjoy watching the Shen Yun, according to Scott.

“I’m sure that the majority, 99.9 percent of the Chinese people, would want to be able to witness Shen Yun in China; it’s so sad that they can’t,” he said. “If they could get Shen Yun back into their own country, the people would only benefit from it, the people would warm to it.”

Growing up in a Scottish family, he is very proud of his traditional and cultural heritage and admits the divine culture that Shen Yun showcases is far more superior.

“What I was seeing on stage tonight, was a hundred times stronger,” Scott said. “From these people on stage, they were just beaming with pride to perform ... if you had a look at the girls, they were all smiling, they were so proud to be performing and that—to me—was the most wonderful thing, it was just beaming, it was filled with hope.”

Throughout the show Scott could sense a message of hope, even in one of the story-based dances with a more difficult topic. Despite the despair and difficulty Falun Dafa practitioners have endured throughout the Chinese regime’s 19-year persecution of the peaceful spiritual practice in Mainland China, Shen Yun told this story with a sense of hope.

“You can go three weeks without food, you can go a week without water, you can go about four minutes without oxygen but, without hope, you don’t last seconds,” he said. “These people were portraying hope, hope for the future.”

The Wentworth Report editor David Evans saw Shen Yun at Perth's Regal Theater in Western Australia, on Feb. 21, 2019. (Victor Bernal/NTD)
The Wentworth Report editor David Evans saw Shen Yun at Perth's Regal Theater in Western Australia, on Feb. 21, 2019. Victor Bernal/NTD

The Wentworth Report editor David Evans found Shen Yun’s exposition of the destructive nature of communism to be surprisingly refreshing.

“I thought it was quite a good thing, a breath of fresh air ... it was not like any Chinese performance that I have ever seen before, much better than I expected,” he said.

He found the dances and timing of the show to be impeccable.

“I was very impressed with their athleticism and it all flowed,” Evans said. “It all sort of had a meditative feel to it all, it was harmonizing quite well. I was struck by the parallels between sort of notions of heaven and harmony, and what’s good and what’s bad, parallel of what we have in the West.”

He believes Shen Yun is, without a doubt, a high-end performance.

“It’s top class, it lives up to the adjective of a world class [show],” Evans said. “It was a very well done production, very sharp production values.”

Science commentator Jo Nova saw Shen Yun at Perth's Regal Theatre in Western Australia, on Feb. 21, 2019. (Victor Bernal/NTD)
Science commentator Jo Nova saw Shen Yun at Perth's Regal Theatre in Western Australia, on Feb. 21, 2019. Victor Bernal/NTD

Science communicator Jo Nova was captivated by the way Shen Yun combines the best of Eastern and Western performing arts.

“It’s just brilliant to watch, I found myself thinking that but also thinking back to the thousands of years and wondering about he East and West, things that China had seeded across to the West and things that the West had seeded across to China,” she said. “I found myself wondering how much of ballet was influenced by Chinese dance.”

Nova was amazed by the acrobatic skills of the dancers.

“I love the flips, the energy, it’s brilliant, I can’t believe that people can jump that high,” she said.

With reporting by NTD Television and Richard Szabo.
The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time and has covered audience reactions since the company’s inception in 2006.

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