“Oh my gosh. It’s so beautiful. The dancers, they have such a high level of respect and quality, and you can tell that they are being respected as dancers by their teachers because you can’t create that environment unless you have somebody guiding them on these higher levels of consciousness,” said Mrs. Tiedemann, who saw the performance with her husband Norman, a chef, on Dec. 30 at the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts.
“Which is so beautiful to see because I feel like we don’t have enough of that in the world right now.”
“The love, the compassion, the kindness, all of that. I have a young daughter, and I want to raise her with that same heart energy,” she said.
“And so as a dancer, I want more dancers, I want companies that are like this, where we can go see for the quality that’s radiating from them and the higher consciousness that they’re bringing just to the planet it feels like at this time,” she said. “It’s the most beautiful expression of human bodies.”
“Everyone should see it,” she added.
Ms. Tiedemann added that this compassion the artists radiated was despite suffering oppression and persecution by the Chinese communist regime, from which Shen Yun’s founders had fled to form the arts group.
“To see the oppression that’s happened in your culture, and the ability to open that up and share that honestly, it takes so much courage from all of those dancers and performers and everybody who’s been a part of this. So I am so grateful that you guys are doing this,” she said.
“I especially resonated with the vocalist and the song, especially the lyrics,” he said. “It touched me, touched my heart, felt true to me. So a lot of what was expressed through the lyrics.”
“Absolutely incredible. I appreciated the feeling that she put forward through her expression and through her art,” he said. “I love to sing, and so I really connected with that.”
“It was very heart-touching. It felt very good,” he said. “I felt a connection. I don’t know where the connection comes from, but I felt a connection to it. So again, this is my first time seeing it, and it just touched me in a deep way.”