Mr. Harvard said that the performance inspired him to have his child become more engaged with the theater because experiencing the theater at an early age will help him develop an appreciation for art.
As the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company, Shen Yun Performing Arts brings to life a lost culture through beautiful art. Based in New York, Shen Yun’s eight companies tour around the world, presenting the purest and most authentic expression of traditional Chinese culture, and a vision of China before communism.
“It’s magnificent. I love it!” Mr. Harvard said that he was very interested in the music of Shen Yun and the orchestra, “I’m really into the orchestra, the music and the musicianship.” He said that the Shen Yun Orchestra can inspire his child to be more expressive.
Mr. Harvard spoke about Shen Yun’s “telling of the story of us coming down from the heavens to the earth and about the Creator. The sounds of the instruments, horns, violins, all of these create a unison.”
“I felt that we are one with the Creator,” Mr. Harvard said.
He also gained a new understanding of the purpose of art: “The dancing, the expression with the body, is a form of praise of the divinity.”