Taiwanese Conductor Hopes Local Orchestras Look Up to Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

Taiwanese Conductor Hopes Local Orchestras Look Up to Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra
Chen Shih-chieh, director and resident conductor of Lanyang Symphony Orchestra, is back for another experience with Shen Yun at Yilan, Taiwan on Sept. 22, 2016. Tseng Han-tung/Epoch Times

YILAN, Taiwan—For Chen Shih-chieh, resident director of a local symphony orchestra, this evening was his second encounter with Shen Yun, after having seen the company’s flagship dance performance previously in the United States.

Now seeing the Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra in his hometown, Mr. Chen, director and resident conductor of Lanyang Symphony Orchestra, was excited about the opportunity, both for himself and other locals.

“I think the audience members from Yilan surely have found that Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra is a very professional and dynamic orchestra,” said Mr. Chen, after seeing the performance at Yilan Performing Arts Center on Sept. 22. “They surely have enjoyed the exquisite music.”

Two music pieces with ties to Taiwan resonated deeply with Mr. Chen: “Green Mountain” based on indigenous folk melodies, and “Taiwanese Dance,” featuring music from one of Taiwan’s indigenous tribes.

Speaking from his professional background, Mr. Chen said he understood the difficulties in coordinating everyone in an orchestra. Surprisingly, he discovered there wasn’t the slightest discord within the group, for every piece “had a good sense of coherence.”

In addition to applauding the focus that the musicians exhibited, Mr. Chen was full of praise for their physical readiness.

“I know many professional orchestra members tend to suffer from occupational burnout ... but this was not the case today.”

Mr. Chen’s compliment to the orchestra did not end there, as he also spoke highly of the original music. “The compositions bring forth a special taste,” he said.

In its repertoire, the orchestra presents several all-original compositions, and according to Shen Yun’s website, this music features a perfect harmony between the East and West.

At bottom, the New York-based orchestra has a mission to revive 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture.

“Any orchestra must have its own core value,” said Mr. Chen, believing that Shen Yun has done a great job with its mission.

Mr. Chen took part in the audience cheers, urging for an encore. “It’s a very precious opportunity to have such a professional orchestra visiting Yilan,” he said. “I hope local orchestras are able to reach such a high level one day.”

As the symphony orchestra continues to tour Taiwan with visits to seven more cities, Mr. Chen encouraged others to experience the performance in person. “Only after you listen to it yourself will you know the [beauty of Shen Yun music].”

“It’s truly captivating and touching!”

Reporting by Frank Fang and Billy Shyu

New York-based Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra comprises musicians from the four Shen Yun Performing Arts touring companies. For information about the October performances, visit:

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time and has covered audience reactions since the company’s inception in 2006.