Swiss Member of Parliament: Shen Yun Is a Voice for Freedom

Swiss Member of Parliament: Shen Yun Is a Voice for Freedom
Hubert Dafflon and Magdalena Dafflon at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Théâtre de Beaulieu on April 14, 2024. NTD

LAUSANNE, Switzerland—Hubert Dafflon, Member of Parliament of Canton of Fribourg came to see Shen Yun Performing Arts with his wife, Magdalena Dafflon, an English teacher at the Fribourg trade school on April 14. The couple enjoyed seeing what China was like before communism.

“It was wonderful to see this ancient Chinese civilization. It’s very different from ours, but so beautiful and so colorful,” said Mr. Dafflon.

Shen Yun is based in New York with a mission to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization. Shen Yun also uses art to raise awareness about what it happening in present-day China.

“I found the scene in modern China, with the persecution, particularly moving. And it’s very, very gripping, really. It’s moving and sad at the same time,” said Mrs. Dafflon.

With eight companies touring the world simultaneously, Shen Yun is spreading the beauty of Chinese culture, but it’s unable to perform in China today.

“It brings home what’s happening in China, that a show like this can’t perform there. We, who are democratic ... we have to fight against these political dictatorships and against this persecution of the Chinese people,” said Mr. Dafflon.

China before communism was a place where dynasties came and went, but the people were free and happy. Shen Yun’s mission is to present what China was like to a world where most people are only aware of its communist present.

“It’s a very noble mission, in my opinion, and a just one, which also shows the reality that in the past, the Chinese people were a much freer people than they are today. And I think that for us, it’s a just cause that must be defended and supported,” shared Mr. Dafflon.

After communism took over, it distorted Chinese culture and dismissed values that are essential to society, such as loyalty, faithfulness, and filial piety.

“These are values we share. They’re also our values as a democratic country, as we have here in Switzerland. We’re lucky to have that. And I think we’re completely at heart and mind with these ancient Chinese values,” said Mr. Dafflon.

Mrs. Dafflon shared her hope that these values will return to Chinese society.

“We hope that the Chinese people will be able to live freely with these values. We share them. Every Chinese and all others aspire to live in freedom. It’s also a spiritual culture with a divine connection,” she said.

Shen Yun begins the performance with the Creator descending to earth and beginning all civilization. Although this may not be the same legend that other religions share, Mr. Dafflon found that the spirituality in Shen Yun resonates with people of all beliefs.

“What I like very much is that we all have our own religions, but there are things that unite us: This divine side, spirituality, goodness, tolerance, respect for others. Even if our religions are different, the fundamental values are the same,” said Mr. Dafflon.

Mrs. Dafflon believes that when met with adversity, religion brings hope and strength.

“It’s very good to emphasize spirituality because in difficult times when people are persecuted when you experience tragedy, spirituality allows you to overcome trauma and move forward. It’s a source of hope,” she said.

Shen Yun is giving a voice to the Falun Gong practitioners in China who are facing persecution, but it’s also a voice for the Chinese people who earnestly want freedom.

“Keep it up because you’re the voice of many people who, currently in China, are speechless,” said Mrs. Dafflon.

Reporting by Mary Mann and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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