Sons of International Singer Captivated by Shen Yun

Sons of International Singer Captivated by Shen Yun
Ben Beamish enjoyed the Shen Yun Orchestra at Arts Theatre, Gold Coast, on April 25. (Laurel Andress/Epoch Times)

GOLD COAST, Australia—Ben and Jeremy Beamish, sons of acclaimed international singer Liza Beamish, were both awed by Shen Yun Performing Arts at The Arts Centre Gold Coast on April 25.

“I thought it was absolutely breathtaking,” said Jeremy, who performs locally as a learning opera singer. “I was completely captivated by it from the moment it started. The curtains lifted, and I was immediately transported into the world of that dynasty, and I really felt like it was an experience, and just absolutely breathtaking.”

“I feel like I’m in that world … as the steam floats around the stage, and I see what it would have been like, and how they envisioned those customs and religions,” he said.

Although classical Chinese dance is at the core of Shen Yun, the music also plays a vital role, with a full orchestra, and bel canto singers.

“It’s a cultural explosion of color and vibrancy. Indescribable,” Jeremy said, adding that he could feel the energy emanating from the vocal soloists.

“Oh I think that the projection especially really hit me, it was just incredible … I immediately was just hit by them and then ‘wow’ … you’re projecting that much and it’s just really, from a technical point of view, you could say that the vibrato was very consistent. It was just impressive, very nice.”

Jeremy’s older brother Ben is also a musician, and has been playing classical guitar for seven years. He particularly enjoyed the music.

“The orchestra, oh it was really good,” Ben said. “I loved how it just helped set the atmosphere, and I just thought that the orchestra was, for me, what really made the show. I thought it was really something special.”

The Shen Yun Orchestra features a unique combination of Chinese and Western instruments. Ben said he would be eager to join as a professional musician if the opportunity arose.

“I reckon it would be a great life … If there ever becomes a space available for a classical guitarist in the orchestra, then that will be where I’m headed.”

There are over 40 musicians in the Shen Yun Orchestra, playing original compositions to fit perfectly with each dance.

“You can definitely tell with the music a lot of expression is put into that, and I think it’s just all part of what really helps, and makes the show so special,” Ben said. “The whole thing was a complete cultural experience and I think the music, the orchestra really aided in that. It was really something amazing.”

Ben said that overall he was very impressed by the show, and would recommend it to others.

“The music, the choreography, the dance, the colors, it all just blended really nicely … It was a new experience; I’ve never seen anything like that. I‘d definitely want to see it again, it’s something I’ll be recommending to my friends and family.”

Reporting by NTD Television and Christine Ford

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.