Software Developer Says Shen Yun Is ‘Absolutely Masterful in Its Presentation’

Software Developer Says Shen Yun Is ‘Absolutely Masterful in Its Presentation’
Jacob and Rebecca Siebach at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Theater in Salt Lake City, Utah, on March 22, 2024. Lily Yu/Epoch Times
SALT LAKE CITY—In the final piece of Shen Yun Performing Arts, the good is saved by the Creator during a moment of disaster. Jacob and Rebecca Siebach who came to the performance on the afternoon of March 21, expressed their deep impression of the performance.

“I just love how everything points back to God. The final piece, where they’re being oppressed, and yet at the end when the wicked will flee and then God will save his people, I think that applies and it will happen and does happen. And so I just think it was a beautiful performance, absolutely masterful in its presentation, in its planning, in everything,” said Mr. Siebach, a software engineer and scientist.

The final dance told the story of Falun Gong practitioners in China being persecuted for their faith. Despite the dangers they face, they are not afraid. And when disaster strikes, the evildoers are the first to run in fear.
Mrs. Siebach shared that Shen Yun reminded her of the importance of doing good in the world.

“I think we need to remember who we are and the potential for good that we have in the world. And then if we can hold to that, despite whatever philosophies, programs, or oppression come our way ... if everyone could stand united in remembering who we are ... it wouldn’t go forward,” said Mrs. Siebach, a teacher.

Shen Yun is based in New York, and its artists are trained in classical Chinese dance. This dance form requires extensive training in bearing, form, dance technique, and tumbling techniques, as well as a deep understanding of Chinese culture in order to truly be proficient.

“I think it’s excellent. The fact that so many people had to work so long to perfect their craft is indicative of a society of plenty and prosperity,” said Mr. Siebach.

Mrs. Siebach also saw sacrifice in the beauty of Shen Yun. She expressed her wish for her kids to see the performance as well, to inspire them.

“I think the performances of those artists really celebrate the lives of so many people who have sacrificed for us. And so my heart just went out to so many people who have gone before us, but also to so many who are suffering in the world. That’s a story that I want to share with my kids—with everyone that I come across. It just really is inspiring,” she said.

Mr. Siebach is the choir director at his church, and he has a background in classical music. He praised Shen Yun’s musicians for their wonderful performance and impressive technique.
He was deeply moved by the erhu soloist. The erhu is an instrument with only two strings yet the emotion that it renders is comparable to that of the human voice.

“The lady with the traditional Chinese stringed instrument with only two strings—just the way she moves, you can tell she’s part of the instrument. It was absolutely beautiful,” said Mr. Siebach.

Although Shen Yun’s singers sing Chinese text, the digital backdrop offers a translation so that audiences around the world are able to understand.

“The baritone—one of my favorite pieces. The lyrics [said] we are each divine beings. Absolutely amazing,” Mr. Siebach commented.

Reporting by Lily Yu and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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