Singer Finds Shen Yun Full of Hope

Singer Finds Shen Yun Full of Hope

“The show was fabulous, magnificent, and full of emotion, love and purity. You really feel the artists’ devotion and it was very touching, extremely touching.“

“After a few seconds, I was already turned upside down. I have no words to express it, so much goes beyond words and understanding. I cried, I laughed, I was surprised, I was angry at the dragon, for example. It’s beautiful, I will sleep well and will have beautiful dreams.”

“It is full of hope. I am pleased to see that, despite the totalitarian regime, they can live for this art and bring us so much happiness in another country; they are able to work in another country and bring this peace and light that the world needs.”

“Each painting, each dancer, each story was special and ... it is not only the technique but there is love, devotion. Each performer was unique. It was truly magical. I am still moved by all the emotions, I find it difficult to put it into words. It was really beautiful.”


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