Singer Expresses Admiration for Shen Yun Soprano

Singer Expresses Admiration for Shen Yun Soprano
Singer Rébèka Girard enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at Grand Théâtre de Québec in Quebec City on Jan. 17, 2018. “Bravo, a very big bravo,” said Ms. Girard. NTD Television

“It’s really beautiful. It’s very impressive. The music is really amazing. The soprano has an absolutely fantastic voice, a very clear projection. We were sitting further away and we heard it very clearly. It’s really beautiful.”

“As much in terms of clarity of the voice as in the pronunciation, even if I didn’t understand the words [referring to the Chinese lyrics sung by Shen Yun vocalists in the bel canto operatic style], I understood all the vowels well and how she pronounced, so it was really very interesting. In a language that you don’t always understand, it’s still very beautiful.”

“This is the first time I’ve heard [a song] in Chinese, so I found it really interesting. It’s very righteous, very beautiful, [with] its nuances.”

“The costumes are really impressive. The colors are very nice. And the choreography is very expressive. It’s a beautiful show.”

“The aerial movements—we get the impression that there is no gravity. Sometimes, the movements of the costumes too, we have the impression that they float, they are floating in the air. So yes, it makes us think a little about Heaven.”

“Bravo, a very big bravo.”

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Shen Yun

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