Shen Yun’s Powerful Storytelling Impresses London Audience

Shen Yun’s Powerful Storytelling Impresses London Audience
Niel Grayson(R) and his father Ray Grayson at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Eventim Apollo, in Londaon, on Jan. 31, 2024. (Mary Mann/The Epoch Times)

LONDON, UK—Being a dancer with Shen Yun Performing Arts is not just about great technique and graceful movements. Actor Neil Grayson could tell that Shen Yun’s dancers put themselves in each role they portrayed.

“Yes, it’s fantastic. Obviously, you have to be adaptive because there’s no words. So it’s all expression. I’ve been able to keep up with the storylines, so very enjoyable,” said Mr. Grayson.

Shen Yun’s artists are trained in classical Chinese dance, one of the most expressive dance forms in the world. The dancers rehearse each detail in the performance to give the audience the best experience.

“Well done and keep up the good work. Incredible training. The accuracy of delivery is amazing and it’s seamless,” said Mr. Grayson.

Shen Yun was founded in 2006 in New York. Artists from around the world gathered with the common goal of sharing the beauty of a communist-free China with the world.

“Very interesting to see. I didn’t realize it was based in New York, with the rhetoric regarding communism, I can see why it had to be based outside of China,” said Mr. Grayson.

Using dance and music, Shen Yun raises awareness of an atrocity happening in China, including the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. The Chinese Communist Party has even harvested the organs of Falun Gong practitioners for profit.

“Some of the things like with the organ harvesting, I was aware of, but when you see it represented in this way, it really hits home ... how unfair it is, and how we need to be aware of it,” expressed Mr. Grayson.

Shen Yun’s mission is to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization. From these 5,000 years came spirituality, traditions, dynasties of customs, and art.

“I’m fascinated by Chinese culture, Japanese culture. I studied martial arts, when I was young, a lot. Meditation is a big thing for me. So, it’s fascinating, it’s beautiful, and we need more of it,” shared Mr. Grayson.

Shen Yun’s digital backdrop is patented technology. It acts as an extension of the stage and allows the set to change in the blink of an eye. The backdrops take the audience on adventures when the Tang emperor flies to the palace on the moon or the Monkey King visits his friends in the sea.

“I think the show is fantastic and there’s a nice mixture of dance and storytelling. I think the backdrop aspect was fantastic. And the way that they blended the live action into the backdrop was amazing, seamless. It’s very impressive,” said Mr. Grayson.

Shen Yun will be in London until Feb. 4, performing a total of 10 performances.

Reporting by Mary Mann and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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