Shen Yun’s Performers Offer an Amazing Display of Chinese Traditional Culture, Says Detroit Audience

Shen Yun’s Performers Offer an Amazing Display of Chinese Traditional Culture, Says Detroit Audience
Robbin Moyer attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Detroit Opera House in Mich. on Apr. 21, 2022 Nancy Ma/Epoch Times

DETROIT, Mich.—Shen Yun Performing Arts presents a panorama of authentic traditional classical Chinese dance and music, enchanting its audiences with a well-rounded display of China as it was in the pre-communist era.

Robbin Moyer, a marketing director for the community-centric magazine “The D Profile,” was awestruck by Shen Yun. It was very entertaining, heartfelt, and energizing, she said.

“The choreography is absolutely incredible.”

Ms. Moyer was also impressed by Shen Yun’s use of technology to create dynamic backdrops.

The arrangement was excellent, she said.  “Everybody is in sync …  Nobody misses a beat.”

Shen Yun’s story-based dances portray the history of China’s dynasties, their heroes, and universal moral values.

Ms. Moyer was impressed by these stories and the way the dancers brought them to life. She even felt that she was part of the story itself.

Shen Yun depicts the divine origins of Chinese culture, which Ms. Moyer felt was reflected in the movements of the dancers.

“When [the dancers] move it …  feels graceful and humble, and the singing … was amazing, [and] brought all of it together,” she said.

The vocalist who sang “To Heaven in this Lifetime” was phenomenal, she said, adding that the lyrics were very moving. The lyrics narrate the heavenly journey of beings who meet their Creator on Earth.

“The message is just to be humble …  and true to who you are.”

Derric and Deon Hamilton, together with their two daughters, also enjoyed the Detroit performance of Shen Yun.
“[Shen Yun] was amazing …  From the story to the colors to the dance, it was breathtaking,” Ms. Hamilton said.

The movements of the dancers and the colors created a dreamlike experience for her. She particularly enjoyed the artistry in the “Plum Blossom in Spring” dance, describing how the fans held by the dancers depicted beautiful flowers.

She also believed it was a learning opportunity for her daughters.

“It’s very educational and an experience that they’ve never had before,” she said. “It'll definitely make them well-rounded … people, open-minded and willing to learn about the world.”

Mr. Hamilton, who is a global accounts manager for Siemens, appreciated the traditional dance forms and instruments. He enjoyed the ancient two-stringed Chinese violin, the erhu.

“[It was] very, very peaceful, very serene, [a] beautiful instrument.”

The Shen Yun Orchestra, with its combination of ancient Chinese instruments and classical Western ones, was very engaging, he said.

The ancient Chinese believe that music is healing for both the body and soul.

“I believe that music is part of the healing process for sure,” Mr. Hamilton said.

He felt that the music and singing were peaceful and relaxing, but also energizing.

Reporting by Nancy Ma and Diane Cordemans
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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