Shen Yun’s Performance Reflects ‘Everyday Life and All the Struggles We Each Go Through,’ Says Business Owner

Shen Yun’s Performance Reflects ‘Everyday Life and All the Struggles We Each Go Through,’ Says Business Owner
Christina Chavira enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance with her family at the Buell Center on March 29, 2024. Lily Yu/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom

DENVER, Colo.—On March 29, business owner Cristina Chavira attended Shen Yun Performing Arts’ evening show at the Buell Center. She thought this first experience was “fabulous.”

“It was wonderful. All the colors, the art, artistry—everything about it. I learned a lot about the history of dance and how the flipping and [tumbling techniques] originated from Chinese culture,” Ms. Chavira said.

“The dancing was superb. The dancers were so lean; the lines were so graceful—it looked like they glided over the floor. I loved it. It was very beautiful.”

The mission of New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts is to bring back China’s lost culture and its belief in the divine through beautiful art.
For thousands of years, Chinese people were very spiritual and believed that their culture was a gift from the heavens. Yet under the communist regime’s violent rule and the spread of atheism, China’s 5,000 years of traditional culture were forced to the brink of extinction.
In addition to classical Chinese, folk, and ethnic dances, the artists also presented multiple story-based dances throughout the evening that recounted tales from ancient times to the modern day.

“All the stories touched my heart,” Ms. Chavira said. “It’s [reflects] everyday life and all the struggles that we each go through.”

She particularly enjoyed the dance “Devotion,” where the heroine of the story waited patiently for years to be reunited with her husband from the military.

Ms. Chavira happily said that she would be bringing home with her “a message of love.” She loved the divine element of the show.

“It’s very spiritual. I loved the spirituality of it as a practicing Christian. I saw a lot of similarities in my religion, so I loved it. Learning about the whole culture was amazing.”

Since its advent in 2006, the performing arts company has grown to become a global sensation, with eight equally sized companies set to perform in over 200 cities worldwide.

Ms. Chavira wants everyone to see the show because “there’s a lot of culture involved for the whole family.” For the evening, she brought five of her family members and will certainly be bringing her husband next time.

“My husband would love it. It was a girls’ night out, but I’ll bring him back,” she expressed, adding that she thought Shen Yun’s mission to revive traditional values is very important.

“That’s why I brought my whole family here,” she explained.

“I do think [Shen Yun] connects to the adults and the children. Family is the most important thing—that’s what I took from the artistry of Shen Yun, how Chinese culture values family.”
Reporting by Lily Yu and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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